Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 1062 Lin Zitong Was Labeled 'The Third Person'

Chapter 1062 Lin Zitong Was Labeled a 'Third Party'

What kind of CEO You is stepping on two boats, what kind of president is inseparable from the celebrity ex-wife, what kind of two sisters are vying for a husband...

In short, there are rumors about everything on the Internet.

After You Haoze sent Lin Zitong back to the crew to continue filming, he went back to work in the company by car.

Lin Zitong was very puzzled. When he was in the car, he asked her where she was going.

She casually replied two words, 'crew'.

He never expected that he really listened to her and sent her to the set.

She wanted to be with him, didn't she make it clear enough?

His actions shocked her!
The two have been separated for so long, and he actually keeps himself so peaceful? !

The two haven't had the same, sex, or room for more than 20 days.

Don't ask her why she remembers so clearly, she counts the days every day.

I thought he would take her back to the villa or to the bachelor apartment, and then this and that and that and that.

I really can't figure out why he has become so conservative and restrained?

Does he still remember the previous bet agreement?

Men's minds are too difficult to understand!
Here, the paparazzi couldn't interview You Haoze and Lin Zitong, so they turned around to interview Xin Ying.

At this time, in the eyes of the outside world, Xin Ying was You Haoze's fiancée and Lin Zitong's half-sister.

But You Haoze carried Lin Zitong out of the hospital in full view.

The two of them looked like they were having an affair.

This move undoubtedly slapped Xin Ying in the face.

Everyone was very curious about Xin Ying's reaction and guessed how she would fight back.

After all, You Haoze is Xin Ying's fiancé and the father of the child in Xin Ying's womb, but he is inseparable from his ex-wife. It is impossible for Xin Ying not to mind this matter.

This kind of gossip is what the public expects to see and satisfies the curiosity-seeking psychology of the public.

Xin Ying looked at the photos exposed on the Internet, You Haoze looked so affectionate with Lin Zitong on his back, she was jealous, angry and unwilling.

Therefore, in the face of many media interviews, Xin Ying said to the camera that Lin Zitong was a shameless mistress who was still entangled with her fiancé after divorce.

As soon as such remarks came out, the entertainment circle instantly boiled.

Many black fans gave Lin Zitong a "little three" hat.

Coupled with the hit drama "Marry Love" some time ago, the image of the mistress played by Lin Zitong is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

As a result, Lin Zitong was labeled as a 'third party'.

To this, You Haoze and Lin Zitong did not respond, neither of them wanted to face the paparazzi's interview.

Therefore, the avoidance attitude of the two confirmed Xin Ying's rhetoric from the side.

More and more netizens believe that Lin Zitong and You Haoze are together against morality, so they dare not accept interviews because of their guilty conscience.

Facing the ferment of public opinion on the Internet, You Haoze turned a blind eye and let the situation develop without taking a positive response.

In other words, he didn't take any measures to let Xin Ying direct and act alone there.

Anyway, Xin Ying is already a grasshopper after autumn, and she won't be able to jump for a few days.

Lin Zitong had heard about those online reviews of herself, but she didn't care much about it.

Now that You Haoze has made it clear that he is not engaged to Xin Ying, then she does not have such immoral behavior as the black fan said about being a mistress.

There is no rule that a man and a woman after divorce cannot continue to be together.

They want to remarry, and they can do it in minutes.

just her...

In the afternoon of this day, the production crew arranged a verbal scene between Lin Zitong and Li Xinyou.

No matter how much Lin Zitong resisted, he had to face it.

What should be shot still has to be shot.

Contrary to Lin Zitong's mentality, Li Xinyou has been looking forward to this verbal drama for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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