Chapter 1068 Family Dinner
You Haoze watched her operate smoothly without any scruples, and couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"You don't need my permission to post a photo of us together on Weibo?"

Seeing him scolding others with a serious face, Lin Zitong couldn't help but wanted to laugh, and she really did.

"Why, you don't agree?"

"Hehe, I agree. Whatever you want, it's up to you."

He said, and kissed her.

People around stole glances at this side, watching the two show their affection and sprinkle dog food.

Li Xinyou and Jin Yan were so jealous that they were mad!
After the play, Lin Zitong, accompanied by You Haoze, went back to the single apartment.

Then, You Haoze drove, and the two went to You's Manor together.

Lin Zitong originally thought that the two divorced, and her ex-mother-in-law Mo Guiying would not welcome her, but she did not expect that Mo Guiying treated her as usual.

In front of her son You Haoze, Mo Guiying treated her warmly.

In that way, it seems that the two have not divorced.

The ex-father-in-law, You Youwei, had always been very kind to her, even though he knew they were divorced, he was still very kind to her.

Because it was a family banquet, You Xinyi, as a member of the You family, was of course also present.

You Xinyi's attitude towards Lin Zitong was not as good as that of Mo Guiying and You Youwei.

Probably because she had already torn her face before, so You Xinyi's face was ugly, and she didn't do any pretense to save face.

Knowing that today is You Haoze's birthday, she didn't get angry and refused to participate.

When she saw Lin Zitong, the disgust in her eyes was undisguised.

The family banquet started, she sat in her seat and ate food quietly, but her face was always dark.

After Lin Zitong's careful observation, the two brothers and sisters have not settled down yet.

Because, it's been so long since she entered the door, and she hasn't heard You Xinyi call You Haoze 'Brother' yet.

Even, neither of them said a word.

She thought to herself that You Xinyi should still remember the slap that You Haoze slapped in the box of Weijia restaurant that day.

And You Haoze is also very strong, and has no intention of taking the initiative to reconcile with You Xinyi.

During the banquet, You Haoze saw that Lin Zitong was restrained and didn't pick up any vegetables, so he kept helping her pick up vegetables, filling up her bowl.

This action made You Xinyi irritable, jealous, angry and aggrieved in her heart.

You Xinyi knew better than anyone that her brother was still blaming her.

He blamed her for revealing the divorce between him and Lin Zitong on the day of You Group's press conference.

What a fool!

It's obviously a divorce, why don't you let me tell you?

What's even more irritating is that she can't say it, but Lin Zitong can say it?

What annoyed her the most was that both of them were divorced, Lin Zitong, a shameless woman, actually had the nerve to come to their house?

Do you have to pester your brother like this?
Lin Zitong ate very little and felt a little nauseous. It wasn't that the food was unpalatable, but that he felt nauseous looking at You Xinyi.

After seeing You Xinyi when she entered the door today, she felt very uncomfortable.

Because, as soon as she saw You Xinyi, she remembered that You Xinyi hid the recording pen in the bedroom to eavesdrop on their private conversations.

This behavior is really disgusting.

She waited for several days, finally suppressing the nausea, and seeing You Xinyi again awakened the nausea again.

Although, Lin Zitong didn't want to embarrass You Haoze, and didn't want him to know about the recorder, but she didn't want to let it go.

She was thinking in her heart that she had to find an opportunity to beat You Xinyi and teach You Xinyi a lesson.

(End of this chapter)

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