Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 1073 You have been sold, and you are still counting the money for him.

Chapter 1073 You have been sold, and you are still counting the money for him.

Compared with Zhong Shaoqing's professional actor, You Xinyi's acting skills are much clumsy, and she has no credibility at all.

She has been fooled once, and she will not be fooled a second time.

What's more, Geng Junchen and Li Xinyou have already explained it very clearly to her.

Li Xinyou invested a lot of money in this drama, and Yida Media put pressure on You Haoze, so You Haoze had to agree to let Li Xinyou participate in the filming.

Moreover, You Haoze also considered, let Zhong Shaoqing and Li Xinyou check and balance each other in the crew.

Sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight, he was more at ease, not afraid of Li Xinyou and Zhong Shaoqing messing around.

You Xinyi sneered: "Lin Zitong, you are so cheap and stupid, you have been sold, and you are still counting the money for him."


At this moment, there was a low shout from the door.

You Xinyi and Lin Zitong looked at the door at the same time, why did he appear here?
The atmosphere suddenly became solemn and dull.

You Xinyi froze severely, and froze there, with anger in her eyes.

This must be a play carefully arranged by Lin Zitong!

Such a deep heart!

It was over, he had heard everything.

You Xinyi slowly closed her eyes, with a frightened expression on her face, as if she was about to cry at any moment.

You Haoze finally couldn't see it, and walked in from the outside.

If he hadn't heard it with his own ears, he wouldn't have known that You Xinyi was so viciously provoking behind her back, and even uttered harsh and hurtful words, without any respect for her sister-in-law.

It seems that Lin Zitong suffered a lot of grievances before.

He bent down to pick up the recording pen on the ground, and under the panicked eyes of the two women, he pressed the play button.

The voice inside came out again.

You Haoze's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and he kept pressing to speed up.

Both Lin Zitong and You Xinyi were dumbfounded, they stood there blankly, no one dared to step forward.

Alas, Lin Zitong sighed helplessly in her heart, she couldn't hide it even if she wanted to.

Soon, all three of them heard the voices in the recorder that shouldn't be recorded.

The atmosphere became inexplicably tense, and it was so depressing that it was hard to breathe.

Lin Zitong saw two clusters of anger burning in his eyes.

From bewilderment to collapse, in just a few minutes, You Haoze experienced the ups and downs in life.

On his birthday, he was originally accompanied by his wife, and the whole family had a happy meal.

The happiness of life is nothing more than that.

Unexpectedly, such a ridiculous and shameless thing happened.

Even he, who is as thick-skinned as a city wall, feels ashamed.

He felt ashamed that he had such a shameless sister as You Xinyi.

He was also ashamed of his wife for having suffered such mental harm.

"Brother, I..."

Before that, because of the slap in the face by her brother, You Xinyi hated him from the bottom of her heart.

So, after so many days, her brother didn't apologize to her, and she didn't plan to talk to him.

But now she took the initiative to call him.

Because, seeing her brother's expression was wrong, she knew the seriousness of the matter.

She panicked and wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say.

This kind of thing is hard for anyone to accept.

You Xinyi watched her brother grit his teeth helplessly, and subconsciously took a step back, wanting to escape.

But in this case, how could she dare to escape?
Where is she fleeing to?
You Haoze listened to some, but didn't have the courage to listen any more, so he directly deleted the recording of the recorder.

He walked up to Lin Zitong, and asked in a deep voice, "Why did you keep it from me?"

Seeing this, You Xinyi breathed a sigh of relief, luckily it wasn't her fault.

(End of this chapter)

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