Chapter 1088 Medical Records
Lin Zitong walked out of the room, the door of the guest room was closed, and the light in the study was dimmed.

Where did You Haoze go?

Is this guy hiding something from her?

She made a cup of jasmine tea, took it to the study, and planned to find out.

The study room is You Haoze's favorite place to stay. He will always be here when he is reading or working.

Most of the drawers are his things. When you open it, there are pens, folders, U disks, and data cables.

Take out one by one.

Suddenly, a medical record on the bottom came into her eyes.

Before, I heard him say that he had a stomachache, so is this his medical record for stomach problems?
Lin Zitong took out the medical record from the drawer, opened it to read, his mind exploded, what kind of operation...

In an instant, her eyes widened, staring at the words on the medical record.

... Jue,, education,, surgery...

Those bold bold words made her tremble with fear.

How could this be?
No, it can't be, it must be a mistake!
She was flustered, forced herself to be calm, and patiently read it word for word several times from beginning to end.

Exactly his medical records.

Lin Zitong looked at the time and place of the operation, it turned out to be when You Haoze was on a business trip to Dongguo, during that time...

In an instant, her mind was buzzing and her heart was throbbing violently. Why did this happen?
You Haoze, he, how could he do this kind of surgery?
How much he can't think about it!
Tears fell suddenly.

She went through everything that happened some time ago in her mind like a movie, and gradually figured out something.

No wonder he only called her once when he went to Dongguo.

It turned out that he had undergone an operation and dared not contact her.

No wonder after returning to China, he went to find her in the bachelor's apartment, and consciously went to sleep in the guest room.

He was afraid that he would not have enough self-control and something bad would happen.

Then, she led him to the bedroom, and even though she tried her best to tease him, he just wouldn't take the bait.

She also blamed him for only lighting the fire, not putting it out.

[Let's make a bet, whoever can't resist touching each other within a month will lose.The loser must promise the other party one thing.How about it? 】

At that time, she couldn't get around it. The two of them couldn't do that kind of thing within a month, just to do that kind of thing a month later?
Now, she understands it all.

It will take more than a month after the operation, so he has to endure it.

No wonder, not only did he not come to look for her a while ago, but he also kept avoiding her.

She thought he was making trouble, that he was teasing her and making her regret divorcing him.

How do you know the truth is like this.

He is a normal man, and he is very strong in this respect. In fact, he can't resist her flirting, can he?

The two haven't met for such a long time, she wants, wants, him, he should think more than her, it must be very uncomfortable, right?
When he is with her, it should be pain and happiness, right?
She didn't know the truth, and kept teasing him, causing him great pain.

Putting the medical records and those things back in the drawer, Lin Zitong closed the door of the study and opened the door of the guest room.

He didn't see You Haoze, and the light in the bathroom was on.

She was flustered for a while, and hurried to the bathroom to take a look, and saw him soaking in the bathtub, with his arms hanging down.

He leaned there with his eyes closed, his expression not very good.

She patted his face lightly, her voice was anxious: "Hao Ze, wake up."

After being touched by her, he opened his eyes in a daze, as if he didn't know what happened, and stared at her blankly.

(End of this chapter)

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