Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 1105 Don't keep thinking about letting your children recognize someone else as their fa

Chapter 1105 Don't keep thinking about letting your children recognize someone else as their father!
Sun Yuewen came over to persuade: "Yinger, calm down! I think You Haoze is right, you are unfair to the child."

"Yinger, be careful to hurt the child!"

Zhong Shaoqing's mother, Qi Junyu, also came over to help the Xin couple comfort Xin Ying.

Qi Junyu is Qi Yuxuan's aunt, and Sun Yuewen followed him to call her aunt.

Because Xin Ying and Sun Yuewen are best friends, and Sun Yuewen and Qi Junyu are considered aunts and nephews, and Xin Ying and Qi Junyu are also familiar with each other.

Therefore, Xin Ying and Qi Junyu have a good relationship.

Before, when Zhong Shaoqing was dating Xin Ying, Qi Junyu recognized Xin Ying very much and always hoped that she could marry her son Zhong Shaoqing.

Later, Zhong Shaoqing insisted on breaking up, and Qi Junyu reprimanded Zhong Shaoqing.

Today, Qi Junyu knew that Xin Ying was pregnant with Zhong Shaoqing's child, and she was overjoyed.

Although the process was a bit tortuous, it was her own grandson after all.

Qi Junyu called Zhong Shaoqing over: "Shaoqing, hurry up and persuade your wife."

Xin Ying's eyes were red, and her face was ashen.

Probably really desperate, she couldn't help crying, her shoulders trembling slightly.

This sentence was repeated over and over again, as if dazed: "You Haoze, I hate you!"

Lin Zitong also yelled to Zhong Shaoqing in the front row: "Shaoqing, please persuade Ying Er, she is pregnant with your child."

You Haoze stared at Zhong Shaoqing coldly and indifferently, and said in a heavy voice, "Zhong Shaoqing, if you are a man, you should be brave enough to take responsibility, don't keep thinking about letting your children recognize someone else as their father!"

If it wasn't for his wife's sake, he wouldn't bother to care about this shit!
A word, like a slap on Zhong Shaoqing's face, made him blush, and his chaotic thoughts suddenly became clear.

He walked towards Xin Ying: "Yinger, calm down, let's go outside and have a talk."

Lin Zitong looked at Xin Ying's back and raised his hand to wipe the tears from his eyes. Xin Ying didn't want this child because it wasn't You Haoze's child.

Not You Haoze's child!

Doesn't that mean that You Haoze is about to die?
With so many properties under You Haoze's name, who will inherit them in the future?

This is a very sad question.

You Haoze sighed, and hugged Lin Zitong in his arms: "Honey, all the days of suffering are over."

He had endured it for so long, just to slap Zhong Shaoqing severely in the face in front of everyone.

He did it and cleared himself of his wrongdoing.

He didn't have an affair at all, and he was wronged.

Qi Junyu was calm. She reacted quickly and explained to the media with a microphone.

"Everyone, this is a misunderstanding. Xin Ying's stomach is indeed my grandson. She and my son Zhong Shaoqing have been dating for many years. The two of them may have had a little trouble before. It's okay, it's okay. I will let my son Zhong Shaoqing marry Xin as soon as possible. Ying crossed the door. Please don't report indiscriminately."

Older gingers are more spicy.

Qi Junyu's words finally restored the image of Xin Ying and Zhong Shaoqing.

Quan Fangzi and Xin Jun were deeply inspired, and followed suit: "Yes, yes, yes. My daughter Xin Ying and Zhong Shaoqing are a couple of lovers. The Xin family and the Zhong family will hold a make-up wedding soon. Please report this matter rationally."

Xin Ying had already cried into tears, and with Zhong Shaoqing's support, she fainted in his arms before she could take a few steps.

Zhong Shaoqing, Quan Fangzi, Xin Jun, and Sun Yuewen sent Xin Ying to the hospital.

After Xin Ying fainted, the scene was in chaos.

However, it was not You Haoze who ended the chaos, but Ah sir.

"Quan Lei, you are suspected of an economic crime, please come with us."

(End of this chapter)

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