Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 1109 You guys just make it even like this, okay?

Chapter 1109 You guys just make it even like this, okay?
"I spread rumors that my sister is mistress, because I'm jealous of her, jealous that you treat her so well and care about her so much even after divorce."

Didn't Xin Ying expose this matter?
You Haoze was stunned, thinking in his heart, who exposed it?
Could it be Jin Yan?

"Yinger, let me tell you again, I didn't divorce your sister."

"I know, it's wrong for me to do this, I shouldn't lie and say we are engaged. But I can't help it, I have to fight for the children.

Now, knowing that the child is not yours, I don't want this child anymore. "

"Yinger, don't be angry. He has been growing in your stomach for several months. He is a fresh life. If you say no now, don't want it. Is it fair to him?

Brother-in-law is not called for nothing.You just have to give birth to him safely, if Zhong Shaoqing dares not take responsibility and take good care of you mother and child, I will be the first to let him go. "

Xin Ying smiled, somehow feeling that having a brother-in-law seems very nice?
From now on, she has a backer.

On the other side, at the corner of the hospital corridor.

Zhong Shaoqing and Lin Zitong stood facing each other, both of them had solemn expressions.

Zhong Shaoqing held a cigarette between his fingers and took two puffs from time to time.

A few months ago, after he knew that Lin Zitong hated the smell of cigarettes, he quit smoking.

I couldn't hold it back today, so I smoked again.

"Shaoqing, I only found out today that the child is yours. You and Xin Ying must have done a lot of harm to you and Xin Ying if you revealed this matter in front of so many media.

However, you have slandered him many times in the past, so let's make things even like this, okay?Don't take revenge on him. "

"Zitong, I didn't blame him, and I didn't want to take revenge on him. My mind is in a mess right now."

After hesitating for a while, Zhong Shaoqing continued, "There is something that has been buried in my heart for a long time. I never dared to tell you, for fear of insulting you."

She said gently: "Speak, it's all right."

His face was slightly red, and his expression was a little awkward: "Remember that time, we spent a night in the hotel?"

How can I forget?

Lin Zitong nodded, this matter will probably be remembered for a lifetime.

"That morning, I woke up from Da Zhuang in the hotel and saw you lying beside me. I was very excited. Because the dream that haunted me for a long time seemed to have become a reality.

Just before that, I had the same dream over and over again, where I did that kind of thing with a woman.

I always thought that woman was you, but I didn't know it was Xin Ying until today.

And that dream is not a dream, it actually happened.Tell me, how should I face Ying Er now? "

Lin Zitong understood what he meant.

Zhong Shaoqing always thought that the two of them had Yi, Ye and Qing, so they put so much effort on her.

In the end, he was the one who got it wrong.

She just said, if it was just a promise when he was young, how could he have such deep obsession?

Knowing that You Haoze was the only one in her heart, she still chased after him and never let go.

It turned out that there was another reason.

No wonder, when she woke up in the hotel that day, she asked him, is it necessary to get it like this?

He replied, do you still want me to wish you happiness?

How embarrassing it is to throw the wrong love and admit the wrong person!

After thinking about it seriously, Lin Zitong said sincerely: "Since you already know the truth, then face it calmly, take the responsibility you should bear, and don't hurt Ying Er. It's not easy for her to get pregnant before marriage. I hope you Treat her well in the future."

Zhong Shaoqing nodded: "Well, don't worry, she is my child's mother no matter what, and I will do my best to treat her well."

(End of this chapter)

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