Chapter 1113 Dancing, can't you?

If you run into Huang Zixuan, don't you feel embarrassed?

Maybe it's because he has a high-level VIP card, can he get a discount?
But thinking about it this way, it seems wrong. With his current wealth and wealth, he doesn't care about that little money at all.

Just when Lin Zitong was in a trance, You Haoze had already hugged her into a private room dedicated to him.

Once inside, he locked the door.

A very large box, just the two of them.

"No one will come here, and there are no cameras. My wife, show me a dance. I've always wanted to watch it." He hugged her coquettishly, and pressed his thin lips against her ears.

The breath gushed in her ears, and her heart seemed to be itchy with many small feathers.

"Okay, give me a kiss."

She smiled, and took the initiative to hand over her hand.

You Haoze raised his eyebrows, slowly lowered his head, and leaned closer: "Hehe, you are not afraid that I will become addicted to kissing, so you can't help it?"

She lightly touched his thin lips, and then got out of his arms.

The music sounded, You Haoze took the remote control and dimmed the light in the private room.

Lin Zitong tore off the headband, and his long black hair slanted down. Following the slow-tempo music, Yue and Dui took Yi, and Fu.

First the coat, then the sweater...

This shy, shy dance aggravated You Haoze's breathing.

That month, with only the last two pieces left on his body, he stood up immediately and hugged her.

"Honey, let's go home quickly."

"Hehe, what's the matter, it's all like this."

"This place is filthy. No matter how clean it is, it's not clean. Let's go home."

"Oh, okay."

This guy's cleanliness flares up from time to time!
"Come on, it's cold outside, put on clothes and clothes."

Lin Zitong didn't say any more, and let him help her wear it.

With ease, he helped her put on the knitted sweater, fastening it button by button.

At this moment, Sir broke into the door.

"What are you doing!"

The door was suddenly kicked open from the outside, the warm light hit the two of them, Lin Zitong screamed and hid behind You Haoze.

You Haoze hastily opened his hands to protect her behind him, the strong beam of light made him squint his eyes, looking at the menacing people standing at the door.

Those men were wearing hats and uniforms. Although the dark background behind the flashlight made it difficult for You Haoze to see the color of the uniforms, it was probably police uniforms.

A sir in his 40s asked, "Are you doing sex, life, and business deals?"

"No." You Haoze's face stinks.

What kind of people are they, why are they so blind!

That sir cast his eyes on Lin Zitong, examining her with probing eyes.

Lin Zitong felt as if he had never been so ashamed.

The embarrassment exploded, and I almost got caught...

She said sullenly: "No."

Sir asked again: "Just now, what were you doing in the box?"

You Haoze said angrily: "Dance, can't you?"

Sir glared at You Haoze, annoyed: "I'm asking the woman."

Lin Zitong continued to say sullenly, "I just danced and did nothing else."

"Little girl, if you don't tell the truth, we can't protect you."

little girl?
God, is she that young, she looks like an underage girl?

Lin Zitong's head drooped even lower: "What I'm telling is the truth."

"But we saw it when we came in just now, he was helping you get dressed."

Lin Zitong was about to cry, why was she so unlucky?
This guy talked like farting, and said that no one would come. Now, not only people will come, but so many people will come at once.

(End of this chapter)

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