Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 1116 I'll see you when I'm free.

Chapter 1116 I'll see you when I'm free.

Throughout the night, Lin Zitong didn't know how many times he had counted, but he only remembered counting to tens in the middle, his throat got tired, and he stopped counting when he couldn't move.

Then, the man smiled and said: "Wrong, count again."

After a while, another man's voice sounded: "Wrong, count again."

After this incident, Lin Zitong no longer wanted to count.

When he woke up the next day, Lin Zitong stretched his waist, and saw You Haoze was arranging his clothes in front of the full-length mirror.

Suddenly something flashed in her mind, and then she remembered something she forgot to tell him.

"Hao Ze, in two days, the crew will go to Harbin City to film a movie. There are ice sculptures and ice lanterns there, and they may live there for more than ten days."

Zhouchuan is located in the south, and it only snows occasionally, unlike Harbin, which is full of ice and snow all winter.

Harbin, a famous city in winter, is a city of snow and ice.

In winter in Harbin, there is the Lu River wrapped in silver makeup, the world of ice and snow made of jade and emerald, and the crystal clear Sun Island Snow Sculpture Expo...

These are Lin Zitong's childhood impressions, she has not been to Harbin for many years.

You Haoze turned around and said with a smile: "Okay, remember to bring more warm clothes to prevent you from catching a cold. You go and film well, don't miss me too much, I'll see you when I'm free."

"Well, I'll go back to the courtyard to visit my mother in a while, and maybe stay there for one night."

It was just an ordinary sentence, but it caused the man to frown slightly.

Looking at the scene outside which was unclear due to the mist, he couldn't help but sighed softly.

Like that, there seemed to be an indescribable tension.

Lin Zitong was a little surprised, not knowing what went wrong.

Could it be that if she wants to live in the courtyard for one night, and be separated from him for one night, is he not willing?

While she was in a daze, her head was rubbed by warm palms: "Why are you in a daze? Hurry up and get dressed, I will accompany you later."

She looked up and asked, "Where are you going?"

The man raised his eyebrows and asked, "Didn't you just say you were going back to the courtyard?"

She understood what he meant, and smiled at him: "I'll just go back by myself."

He sat down on his knees and looked at her: "Isn't it good for me to go back with you? You don't want to see me so much, huh?"

She was taken aback: "You, don't you have to go to work?"

You Haoze saw her concerns at a glance, and said softly, "I'm a human, not a machine, so I have to rest. Anyway, no one can control me, so I'll take it as a day off for myself."

"But, you..."

As soon as her words came out, he interrupted: "Okay, stop talking."

More than an hour later, You Haoze drove Lin Zitong back to the courtyard.

Lin Yunzhen's complexion didn't look very good, as if she had just recovered from a serious illness.

When Lin Zitong saw his mother's weak appearance, he felt distressed, and asked with concern: "Mom, how do you feel now?"

Lin Yunzhen glanced at her daughter with a complicated expression, a gloomy light quickly flashed in her eyes, but she said in a relaxed tone: "It's okay, Mom is in good health."

Lin Zitong was dubious, and a little worried: "Mom, if you feel uncomfortable, just tell me, and I will accompany you to the hospital."

"Mom is really fine." Lin Yunzhen managed to squeeze out a familiar smile, and murmured with emotion: "Mom is happy to see you and Hao Ze have gone through hardships to be together."

You Haoze stared at Lin Yunzhen closely with a pair of sharp black eyes, and said meaningfully: "Mom, don't worry, with me here, no one can hurt Tongtong."

(End of this chapter)

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