Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 1121 You Haoze personally presented Lin Zitong with the Best Actress Trophy

Chapter 1121 You Haoze personally presented Lin Zitong with the Best Actress Trophy

Relying on this drama, You Haoze not only made his wife a hot and popular actress, but also made a lot of money himself.

He has added a lot of investment in his own name, and these investments have brought him super rich returns.

Of course, for You Haoze, making his wife popular is the most important thing, and making money is just incidental.

For him, the president of the You Group, who earns tens of thousands of dollars a minute, there are so many ways to make money, there is no need to choose an industry with such a high risk factor.

If you don't pay attention, you will lose everything.

At the awards ceremony, You Haoze personally presented Lin Zitong with the best actress trophy.

When Lin Zitong received the trophy, he almost cried with excitement.

After so many years of hard work, I finally got unanimous approval.

This trophy means a lot to her.

Before that, she was thinking of quitting the filming halfway, because it was You Haoze who stopped her from joining Li Xinyou and Jiang Caiyun.

At that time, she didn't quite understand why You Haoze let Fan Youxian, Jin Yan, Li Xinyou and Jiang Caiyun into the crew.

She didn't understand You Haoze's good intentions until the show became popular.

Without the popularity of Fan Youxian and Li Xinyou, these two big names, this drama would not have been popular before it aired, and it would have become even more popular after it aired.

It was because You Haoze was stuck in the gate and refused to let her quit that she had such brilliant achievements today.

With the costume drama "The Young Master with a Fan", she not only won the best actress trophy, but also won many international and domestic awards, and various small awards were even softer.

The honor of being an actress is inseparable from her sweat and sweat, and it is even more inseparable from You Haoze's help.

You Haoze has been standing behind her, silently paying for her, even if she was misunderstood and wronged by her, he still did not change his original intention.

Such a peerless good man, why did she think he was a scum before?
Lin Zitong felt that she must have saved countless lives in her previous life, and that she would have such a great blessing in this life. God arranged for her such a good man to love her, spoil her and protect her.

For the rest of her life, she will love him well, treat him well with all her strength, and never let go of his hand easily.

The drama "The Young Master with a Fan" became a big hit. Besides Lin Zitong, many actors in the drama were also popular.

As the leading actor, Zhong Shaoqing has won many awards.

It's just that the affair between him and Xin Ying was exposed a while ago, causing a lot of uproar, and there were mixed reviews of him on the Internet, so that he didn't receive as much attention as Lin Zitong.

Qi Yuxuan, Sun Yuewen and others became famous, and Fan Youxian, Li Xinyou and others gained a lot of fans and word of mouth.

Surprisingly, Jin Yan and Jiang Caiyun's performance in the play was remarkable, but as a result, the two did not get any awards.

Jin Yan acted very well, but in the end she didn't even win an Outstanding Newcomer Award.

Lin Zitong only found out after asking You Haoze that he was the one who got in the way.

This guy really has a clear distinction between grievances and resentments, and he must be repaid.

After the awards ceremony, several investor bosses, producers, directors, screenwriters, etc., as well as many actors, booked a five-star hotel to celebrate.

At that time, You Haoze was not there, he personally presented Lin Zitong with the best actress trophy, and then he left.

Because, he made an appointment with the boss of a big company to discuss business.

After the business was settled, You Haoze called the driver and drove to the hotel to pick up Lin Zitong home.

As a result, on the way, he received a voice message from Lin Zitong on his WeChat.

As soon as he opened it, it exploded in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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