Chapter 1124 Be good, okay?
In my mind, there are fragments of memories.

"What's wrong with me?"

"Last night, you drank wine mixed with something." You Haoze said with a tired face, half-jokingly: "Fortunately, your man is in good health."

Hearing what he said, she got a little impression, back and forth, time and time again.

She touched his cheek, frowning, distressed.

"It's too hard for you."

"I'm sorry, it's my fault. I shouldn't have left you alone. I swear, I will take good care of you in the future."

If he hadn't left her alone in order to negotiate that deal, such a thing would not have happened.

Thinking of this, You Haoze regretted for a while.

He hates himself!
No matter how big the order is and how much money she makes, she can't get back what she lost.

These words made her feel a strange feeling in her heart.

Well, why did he swear?

Moreover, she heard self-blame and guilt from his words.

It was she who accidentally drank something unclean, why should he blame himself and take the responsibility on himself?
She tried to recall the situation of last night in her mind, only to feel a headache.

A scene flashed by, but she caught it just in time.

"Hao Ze, I remember that Li Xinyou was also in the room, right? What happened when you found me?"

As long as he recalled the scene of last night, You Haoze felt his heart convulsed and he couldn't breathe, and even breathing hurt.

He stared blankly at her face, his gaze stayed for a few seconds, and then slowly lowered.

"Hey, don't think so much, it's all in the past."

For some reason, his words made her very uneasy, and her tears flowed down her cheeks uncontrollably.

What is extreme joy begets sorrow?
Lin Zitong can understand this feeling best at this moment, because she is experiencing it herself.

Why did Li Xinyou appear in the room?
Although she couldn't remember what happened last night, she had a bad feeling.

"No, you tell me, I..."

You Haoze knew what she wanted to ask, but he gritted his teeth and refused to say it.

If she were to know what happened to Li Xinyou last night, she would definitely leave him.

He was already heartbroken enough that this happened, and he really couldn't bear the risk of losing her.

Pulling her into his arms, he twirled his chin against her hair, and said in a tired voice, "Be good, okay?"

She remembered that she sent him a voice message asking for help, with a location attached.

She doesn't remember anything after that.

Fortunately, he came last night. If he didn't come, the consequences would be really unimaginable.

"My head hurts a little. I really can't remember what happened last night."

You Haoze felt a sharp pain in his heart again, he tried his best to calm down, tidy up his mood, and gently wiped away her tears.

"Be obedient, it's all over, don't think about it."

When she looked up again, she could hardly tell that he had any other emotions.

"Wife, do you still want to sleep? If you don't, I'll take you to the hospital now."

She resisted: "I don't want to go to the hospital, I hate it."

You Haoze coaxed her patiently, doing ideological work for her.

"Last night, I took you to the hospital, and the doctor said that the medicine took effect too quickly, and there was no time for gastric lavage, so I had to give a large dose of sedative.

Moreover, the sedative may not be able to relieve, so I will take you home.

Now, although it looks good, I have to go to the hospital to check if there is any residue of the medicine. I am worried that it will be bad for my health. "

Lin Zitong was originally reluctant to go, but in order to reassure him, she finally agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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