Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 1143 You are slow, I have already seen it.

Chapter 1143 You are slow, I have already seen it.

east country.

Lin Zitong and Bullitt had afternoon tea together, and she took a photo of the two with her mobile phone.

As a result, in the evening, she sent You Haoze a photo of her life trajectory today, and accidentally sent this group photo.

A few seconds after sending it, she realized that she had sent it by mistake, and quickly clicked withdraw.

However, it was too late.

You Haoze replied almost instantly: 【Who is that man? He's quite handsome. 】

Although it was just a line of text, Lin Zitong could feel the sour tone.

It's over, this guy's vinegar jar is about to be overturned again.

Well, she just thought of Bullitt as a confidant, a friend, a mentor, nothing else.

Did she get into trouble?

He wouldn't think she was abroad, messing around with other men behind his back, would he?
Just when Lin Zitong was very worried, the phone rang again.

You Haoze: [Lin Zitong, you are slow, I have already seen it.Give you 3 minutes, explain to me clearly, where did the wild man come from! 】

Lin Zitong: [He is a psychiatrist I met here, who helped me a lot. Without him, I might not have come out of the shadows so quickly.Hao Ze, don't think too much, I love you. 】

You Haoze: [wife, please send me your address, I will take you home. 】

Changing the title to wife, it seems that this guy is not angry.

Seeing the word "go home", Lin Zitong felt a warm feeling in his heart.

These days, while she was relaxing herself, she also saw her heart clearly.

It is impossible for her to let go of Hao Ze in her life.

Since she can't let him go, and he doesn't want to let go of her hand, let's stay together.

Lin Zitong: [Ming Erke, who is in China, you were on a business trip to Dongguo before, so you came here, so what address do you need? / curl one's lips]

You Haoze: [I know, but Minger is so big, how do you want me to find it? / cold sweat]

Lin Zitong: [Then it depends on fate. /smile]

You Haoze: [Okay, wait for me. /bare teeth]

Lin Zitong: [Okay, find me, and I will go home with you. /Naughty】

You Haoze: [Well, see you tomorrow. /proud】

She was actually joking with him, who knew he actually told her to wait for him!
Moreover, he said firmly, see you tomorrow.

She didn't say the address, so he was so confident that he could find her?
If it's in Zhouchuan, she doesn't doubt his ability, no matter where in Zhouchuan, he can always find her.

But this is Dongguk.

Who does he think he is?

She didn't believe it anymore, his influence would spread all over the world, and even she could find him in Dongguo.

Lin Zitong thought to himself, when he arrived in Mingerke and couldn't find her, she would call him and take the initiative to tell him the exact address.

As a result, the next day, when Lin Zitong was dancing street dance, a familiar voice sounded behind him.

"Beauty, can I dance with you?"

Lin Zitong turned her head abruptly, and saw You Haoze standing behind her wearing a custom-made suit and wearing a pair of sunglasses.

Cool, handsome and stylish, it is too eye-catching in the crowd!

Where did she have the mind to dance, she just stared at him blankly, feeling like a dream.

"Oh, really, what kind of expression do you have, ignore me!"

He said, took her hand, and left the crowd.

"How did you find me? You also said that Minger is so big."

"I want to say it's because of telepathy, believe it or not?" You Haoze said, bowed his head and kissed her.

"Ghosts believe."

"I don't believe it, but you said it yourself. If I find you, you will come home with me. Don't try to cheat."

"Well, don't play tricks..."

(End of this chapter)

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