Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 1146 Don't be afraid, I'm here.

Chapter 1146 Don't be afraid, I'm here.

It seems that Zhong Shaoqing is a little innocent, he is just bad on the surface, but in fact he has a good character, he just did some innocuous things, the big bad things are all done by Huang Wei.

For loving Zhong Shaoqing, Huang Wei has been dazed. She has done everything for Zhong Shaoqing's good, and against Zhong Shaoqing's.

Lin Zitong sighed when he heard this, if Zhong Shaoqing knew this, should he cry or laugh?
It's a blessing to be liked by a woman so much, but to be framed by a woman like this is really bad luck for eight lifetimes.

"Huang Wei, thank you for telling me this. There are really not many women who are as infatuated as you in the world. It is Zhong Shaoqing's loss that he didn't choose you. You don't need to seek life and death for him. There are still many good men in the world..."

These flattery and compliments made Lin Zitong feel like throwing up, it wasn't that she wanted to please Huang Wei, she just didn't want to anger Huang Wei.

She had to fight for time for You Haoze to rescue her.

However, Huang Wei didn't let her continue: "Lin Zitong, stop talking nonsense, it's getting late, it's time to send you on your way."

After saying that, Huang Wei winked at the two men beside her.

hit the road?Is this going to kill her?
Lin Zitong was terrified, but her hands and feet were bound with ropes and she couldn't break free.

The two men dragged her and pressed her head into the water.

God, this is planning to let her drown!

Too bad!
Lin Zitong struggled vigorously, but was pushed into the water by a strong force.

The long-lost feeling of drowning and suffocation swept over again.

She thought she was going to die like this, the feeling of drowning made her dizzy.

The water poured into the nose, so uncomfortable!

Her strength became weaker and weaker, water poured in from her nose and mouth, and it became extremely difficult to breathe.

She seemed to see the god of death approaching her slowly.

In a trance, she remembered the experience of drowning when she was learning to swim in the summer when she was eight years old.

Someone pushed behind her, caught her off guard, and she fell into the deep water.

Thinking about it now, the person who pushed her was probably found by Lin Yunzhen.

She tried desperately to breathe, but all that came in was water, water, water.

Struggling to swim upstream, but her body was getting heavier and heavier.

Just when she was already desperate, she saw the face of a big brother approaching.

He pulled her and pulled her out of the water.

"Little sister, wake up."

The big brother's face became clearer and clearer. He pressed her heart and blew air into her mouth one by one.

She knew it was called artificial respiration.

At this moment, Lin Zitong saw the big brother's face clearly.

Isn't that big brother You Haoze!

It turned out that after going around for more than ten years, they actually met again.

Moreover, they also became husband and wife.

You Haoze saved her once, will he come to save her a second time?

She felt that she was dead, and she could no longer lift a sliver of strength, and someone picked her up from the water in a daze.

"Wife, wife, wife..."

It's still mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration, and it's still that familiar feeling.

Lin Zitong coughed out a few saliva, and gradually regained consciousness.

Leaning in his arms, she cried aggrievedly: "Hao Ze, I thought I would never see you again."

"It's okay, it's okay, don't be afraid, I'm here."

"What about those people?"

As soon as he asked, Lin Zitong glanced around and saw several people lying on the ground.

Including Huang Wei also fainted to the ground.

"Well, what's going on here?"

"After I deal with those people in the alley, grab one and let him bring me here."

(End of this chapter)

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