Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 1157 I don't know what happened to her?

Chapter 1157 I don't know what happened to her?
"Wife, where have you been? Mrs. Li made fish soup for you to drink, but I couldn't find you."

You Haoze's familiar voice came from the other end of the phone, which made her heart ache, and tears fell silently.

"I'm out to meet a friend."

"Well, it's good to see more friends, do you want me to pick you up?"

"No, I'm going back now."

"Alright, call me if you need anything."

"it is good."

When he came out of the hospital, it was raining patter outside, just like Lin Zitong's flustered mood at the moment.

Instead of going back to the villa, she went to the house in the city center.

On her birthday, You Haoze gave her the real estate certificate and the key, saying that she could move to a new house if she had a problem with him.

At that time, she also asked him, why did she have trouble with him?
Now it seems that You Haoze really has a vision.

Fortunately, with this house, she has a place to live.

But why did God make fun of her like this?

She thought her life was on the right track, but the big hand of fate pushed her to the edge of the cliff again.

The bad mood that followed the bungee jumping began to entangle her whole body again.

This time, no matter whether she took a step forward or a step back, she would be smashed to pieces.

In front is a dark bottomless pit, and behind is an abyss.

She hugged her arms tightly, and the tears couldn't stop falling down.

In the end how to do?
Pregnancy was originally a joyful thing, why was it her turn to be so sad?
If the child had never been in her womb, she would not be so sad. Desperation is not hopeless in itself, despair is hopeless after hope.

The whole person was full of powerlessness, the tears from the corners of his eyes hit like a burst bank, and he closed his eyes in despair.

Why does my heart hurt so much that I can't breathe.

In the evening, You Haoze called Lin Zitong again.

Lin Zitong told him that she wanted to live in the new house for a few days, but You Haoze didn't say anything on the phone.

As a result, after getting off work, You Haoze drove the car directly from the company to the new house, and brought food for Lin Zitong.

It's strange to say that before the pregnancy was found out, she had a series of symptoms. After the pregnancy was actually found out, she didn't even feel like vomiting.

Is it because the babies in the womb have a telepathic connection with her, and they are afraid that their mother will not want them, so they become obedient and peaceful, and they dare not torment her anymore?

Lin Zitong felt sad, but she didn't show any abnormality in front of You Haoze. After all, she is an actress at the actress level, and it's not easy to hide it from him.

You Haoze went to work in the morning and came back to accompany her in the evening, and the two lived in the new house.

Lin Zitong called the people in the villa and asked them to move her personal items and clothes to the new house.

For several days in a row, when Lin Zitong stayed at home alone during the day, he seemed to have lost his soul, absent-minded about everything, and there was no smile on his face.

How could she laugh when her mind was full of thoughts about whether or not the child would stay?

In fact, You Haoze could feel that she was unhappy, but he couldn't figure out why.

I don't know what happened to her?
After thinking about it at home for several days, Lin Zitong finally made a decision.

Children can't have it.

She cannot give birth to Li Xinyou's child.


"Miss Lin, are you here alone? Didn't the child's father accompany you?"

"He's not free. It's okay, I can do it by myself."


"Miss Lin, if you have considered having an abortion, please sign this preoperative agreement."

(End of this chapter)

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