Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 1161 Why is she pregnant, like going to jail?

Chapter 1161 Why is she pregnant, like going to jail?
After coming out of the hospital, Lin Zitong insisted on going back to the new house, but You Haoze wanted her to go back to the villa.

The villa is spacious, with flowers and trees planted everywhere, the air is fresh, there are gardens, gazebos, front yards and backyards, allowing her to walk freely.

Living in a house in the city, the place is too small.

However, Lin Zitong was unwilling to go back to the villa, and You Haoze did not force her.


"Honey, this bed is a bit small. You are pregnant with twins now, so you have to change to a bigger bed. Don't let my children feel wronged. I'll ask someone to change to a three-meter-large bed later. .”

"This sofa is not particularly comfortable to sit on, so we changed it together."

"Hey, let's just redecorate it. I don't know if the house next door is for sale. I'll ask. If it's for sale, we'll open up the houses on both sides. It will be more spacious to live in."

Lin Zitong ignored him and left him talking to himself.

As a result, he really went to knock on the door of the next door.

She quickly dragged him back: "Mr. You, it's fine for me to live alone, and I don't need to renovate anything. By the way, if you think the house is not spacious enough, you can go back to live in the villa."

"What do you mean? Are you planning to sweep the child's father out?"

She was immediately amused by his words.

"Hehe, how dare I. You go back to the company, don't you have a big project to sign today?"

You Haoze hugged her and said, "I don't want to go."

Lin Zitong smiled and said, "Just talk about it, stop making trouble, and go to work."

He said affectionately: "Then you kiss me."

"Are you naive?"

Although he said so, Lin Zitong had already leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

"I'll call in a while and ask Mrs. Li to come and take care of you. I don't worry about others. Then, I'll hire a nutritionist and ask Mrs. Li to prepare three meals for you according to the standard.

By the way, you are not allowed to use your mobile phone in the future, and you must not touch your computer. Those things have too much radiation and are not good for fetal development. "

She has no objection to what he said earlier, but what the hell is what he said later?

Why is she pregnant, like going to jail?
Mobile phones are not allowed, and computers are not allowed to touch, so what fun is there in life?

Is this the rhythm for her to experience life in primitive society?

It's just a pregnancy, why is he so nervous, it's necessary to make such a fuss?
"Then what else can I do?"

The man thought about it seriously, and replied: "You can watch less TV."

Lin Zitong bargained with him: "I don't need to use my computer, and I don't usually watch much TV, but I can't use my mobile phone. What if someone needs me?"

"You insist on living here. I have no objection. I'll have someone install a phone later. Anyone who wants to find you can call the landline at home. Leave your phone to me for safekeeping, and I can send and receive messages for you. What's the matter? I'll pass it on to you."

"Come on, don't be so troublesome. You go around, don't you just want me to move back to the villa? I'm afraid of you. I'll move back to the villa. But, you can't disable my mobile phone. "

"Alright." You Haoze made a concession: "How about this, I'll change you to a green mobile phone with less radiation. However, you have to use it less. For the sake of the health of our babies, I have wronged you."

In this way, Lin Zitong moved back to the villa under You Haoze's soft and tough pampering.

Xin Jun and Quan Fangzi came to the villa to see their daughter every now and then, and they didn't react when they saw that their daughter was eating and drinking every day. They just said that their daughter was blessed and didn't suffer any crimes.

(End of this chapter)

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