Chapter 1193 Jin Yan Extra Story 2
You Haoze, Xin Ying, and Zhong Shaoqing didn't know anything about what happened that night, but Quan Lei and I knew about it.

That's right, it's me and Quan Lei who messed up.

That night, Huang Wei drugged Zhong Shaoqing, she wanted to sleep with him, and tried to cook raw rice.

When Huang Wei was not paying attention, I switched the cups of Huang Wei and Xin Ying.

Xin Ying drank Huang Wei's miserable glass of wine and became drowsy, so Zhong Shaoqing helped her to the guest room to rest.

That kind of medicine will regard the other party as the person you love the most, and if you do something in a dazed and unconscious state, you will make some unimaginable actions.

After the two of them entered the room, they did not come out again.

What I didn't expect was that You Xinyi also gave her brother You Haoze that kind of medicine.

Thankfully I found it in time.

I replaced that medicine with a hallucinogen, and You Haoze and You Xinyi both fell asleep after drinking it.

At that moment, I could finally hug You Haoze unscrupulously and call him husband.

At that time, I really wanted to take the opportunity to sleep him, but I didn't do it in the end.

I'm afraid he'll hate me when he wakes up.

After hesitating for a moment, the opportunity was just missed!

I know, I have no chance, because Quan Lei is here.

When he knew that Xin Ying and Zhong Shaoqing were sleeping together, he actually made a decision to get You Haoze on Xin Ying's bed.

I agreed without thinking.

At that time, You Haoze, Zhong Shaoqing, and Xin Ying were all in a coma, so no matter how much we struggled, they didn't respond.

Many photos and videos were taken by me.

Later, Quan Lei also took a photo of Xin Ying and You Haoze sleeping together, and passed it on to Xin Ying.

That photo was used by Xin Ying to threaten You Haoze.

Xin Ying never dreamed that the person she had sex with was actually Zhong Shaoqing.

Quan Lei did this to help Xin Ying. He knew that Xin Ying loved You Haoze very much. As a cousin, he would definitely be willing to help her.

However, he never thought that paper cannot contain fire.

As long as You Haoze takes the paternity test, then everything will be hidden.

From this point, it can be seen that Quan Lei is very stupid. Compared with You Haoze's IQ, Quan Lei can be called mentally handicapped.

I know things will be hidden sooner or later, but I don't care.

I can hide it for a while, but what I want is the breakdown of the marriage between You Haoze and his wife.

At that time, Xin Ying is not pregnant with his child, so it is impossible for him to be with Xin Ying.

I just want to use Xin Ying to drive Lin Zitong away.

However, things didn't go as planned as I planned.

Lin Zitong's emotional intelligence is too high, and she is too difficult to deal with. No matter how hard I try, she is determined not to divorce You Haoze.

Afterwards, I watched Lin Zitong and You Haoze show affection and love each other in the office every day, and I really couldn't take it anymore.

too painful.

Therefore, I offered to resign.

To my surprise, You Haoze actually kept me.

At first, I thought he was admiring my abilities and talents, but it turned out not to be.

He just used my admiration for him to stimulate Lin Zitong, so as to arouse Lin Zitong's attention and tension towards him.

Hehe, heartbreak is nothing more than that.

On the day when You's Group held an important meeting, I went to the company to settle the wages. When I passed by the meeting room, I observed You Haoze's reaction by the way.

He didn't see me, maybe, he never imagined that I sent the anonymous email.

I hid it too well, the rumored photos and videos of Lin Zitong and Zhong Shaoqing were leaked to entertainment news websites by me.

The fact that the two of them were secretly married was also revealed by me.

You Haoze thought it was Zhong Shaoqing's fault, and the two men pinched each other.

Hehe, I was the one who informed Huang Wei and the Yuji gang to go to the hotel to surround Lin Zitong and Zhong Shaoqing.

I just want to ruin Lin Zitong's reputation.

(End of this chapter)

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