Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 12 is a waste of chapters, I don't care, what am I talking about.

Chapter 12 Nonsense, I don't make sense, what am I talking about.

"What are you doing? Why don't you reply to my message?"

"Have breakfast and read in the study."

"Which one are you reading?"

"Mr. You, is work boring?"

"It's not boring, I'm going to be crazy busy."

Crazy busy and have time to send a message or make a phone call?Lin Zitong was a little speechless, why was he so pestering all of a sudden?
Is he still jealous?
Why does she feel like being investigated?

On the other end of the phone, You Haoze seemed to have guessed what she was thinking, and explained: "I just miss you, and I can't see anyone, so it's good to listen to the voice, so that I can work passionately."

We smeared honey all over our mouths, we hadn't seen each other for two hours, it seemed like we had been separated for a long time.

Of course she wouldn't be narcissistic about believing it was true.

Heh, he was able to resist not calling her for two months. No matter what the reason was, something was wrong, right?
After a moment of silence, she patiently asked softly, "Why didn't you call me before?"

You Haoze's low laughter came from next to his ear, and he replied without thinking: "I dare not fight. I am afraid of disturbing my wife and adults filming."

Lin Zitong couldn't help rolling his eyes, thinking I'm such an easy fool?
Just at this moment, a call came in from her mobile phone.

"Go to work, I'll answer the phone."

"Who called? Wife, are you going to hang up your husband's phone for someone else?" You Haoze's voice was clearly coquettish.

"Mr. You, you are not reasonable."

"Nonsense, I don't make sense, what am I talking about. Don't hang up on me!"

"Don't make trouble." The man acted coquettishly, really like a child.Lin Zitong was amused by his words, so he could only coax him: "Aren't you busy with work? I'll call you later, okay?"

"Honey, you have to keep your word."

After hanging up You Haoze's call, Lin Zitong couldn't help laughing, and then pressed the answer button.

After connecting, there was a moment of silence on both ends of the phone.

Maybe the other party also thought it was presumptuous, and after a pause of more than ten seconds, he said, "Hello, are you Mrs. You?"

On the other end of the phone, there was a soft female voice, the voice was clear and sweet, not inferior to the announcer and host.

Although the voice was nice, it was not familiar.Lin Zitong looked down at the string of numbers displayed on the phone, and was sure it was an unfamiliar number.

She didn't deny it, but asked cautiously: "Hello, are you...?"

"I'm President You's secretary, and my name is Jin Yan. I want to talk to you face to face about something."

Hearing this, Lin Zitong froze all over and was in a daze.

secretary?When did You Haoze get a female secretary?Isn't his assistant a man?

After three years of marriage, she rarely went to his company, nor asked about the company, and she knew nothing about the company's personnel.

It's just that You Haoze has always been self-conscious. For positions such as secretary assistants, he will choose male employees against him day and night.

She was very satisfied with him.

She has met his assistant several times. He is a young man in his 30s. He is very easy-going and stable.

Well done, why did You Haoze change the female secretary?

If Jin Yan was just a secretary, why did she call her in private?
You Haoze didn't call her for two months, could it be because...

"Miss Jin, what's the matter? Tell me."

As expected of an actor, Lin Zitong's voice was flat and calm, making it impossible to hear any fluctuations in emotion.

Her heart has long been restless.The husband changed his secretary for no reason. As soon as she came home, her husband's secretary came to her.I have to think about it.

The two of them were secretly married, if You Haoze hadn't said it himself, would anyone in the company know that he had a wife?
Where did Secretary Jin get her number?
 small theater:

  Lin Zitong looked at You Haoze suspiciously: "Mr. You, do you dare to fight? Or don't you want to fight? Is there anything else you dare not do?"

  You Haoze straightened his back, and looked at her openly: "I want to call you, would you pick it up? You know you wronged me all day long, do you know how tiring it is to be your husband?"

  Lin Zitong rolled his eyes at him, and snorted coldly: "Are you ashamed to complain? You don't wear a condom when you do things, and you tell me you want a child after you finish. How can you not be tired if you plan on me all day long!"

  "What? Could it be that you want me to plot against other women?" You Haoze sighed: "Honey, you just don't know your blessings when you are in the midst of blessings."

(End of this chapter)

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