Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 204 The most popular chapter title at the moment.

Chapter 204 The hottest topic of the moment.

Having said that, she has been dating You Haoze these days, but she has never met the paparazzi once, let alone being entangled by the paparazzi.

I don't know if You Haoze has any special connections and methods that can calm down those paparazzi.

It should be very safe to stay in this villa, but Lin Zitong knows that once he leaves this villa, he can't guarantee that the paparazzi will follow him.

If she wants to go out, she really needs to rely on You Haoze's arrangement to ensure that she will not be entangled by the paparazzi.

After You Haoze left, Lin Zitong lay on the couch for a while, but he lost all sleepiness.

After getting up and washing up briefly, she went downstairs to have breakfast, and then went upstairs to the study to surf the Internet.

On the Internet, the love affair between Zhong Shaoqing and Lin Zitong was exposed and became the hottest topic at the moment, causing an uproar.

Several close friends, including Rong Jing and Xiao Zifeng, either called or sent messages, asking her about this matter with concern.

Most of them were easily prevaricated by her.

Except Xiao Zifeng.

Xiao Zifeng is a reporter from Tianbao Entertainment Company, and he has always paid attention to the entertainment industry. In addition, he has a good relationship with Lin Zitong, so he naturally pays special attention to it.

Lin Zitong couldn't hide it from Xiao Zifeng at all, so he simply told him the truth.

After she told Xiao Zifeng the truth, she entrusted Xiao Zifeng to help him find out Zhong Shaoqing's motives.

Xiao Zifeng is an entertainment reporter, well-informed, maybe he can find out some useful information.

She didn't want to take the initiative to ask Zhong Shaoqing, she wanted to get rid of him, but she couldn't figure out his motives, so she felt a little depressed.

Thoughts fluttered slightly, she suddenly remembered that You Haoze was coming home for dinner at noon, so she quickly went downstairs to the kitchen.

As soon as she entered the kitchen, Mrs. Li, who was picking spinach, saw her, immediately put down what she was doing, and stood up in a daze.


Aunt Li wiped her hands on the apron in front of her chest, she was a little embarrassed and called out at a loss, she lowered her head and dared not look at her.

Lin Zitong felt that Mrs. Li seemed a little cramped, but she didn't understand what Mrs. Li was nervous about.

If Geng Junchen and Zhuzhu were at home that night, and Mrs. Li knew about it and didn't report it, she would have turned the story long ago.

Does Mrs. Li need to be brooding?
No, a few days ago, when Mrs. Li helped her heat up the fish soup, she was obviously very kind and natural, how could she be so restrained now?
A trace of doubt flooded his mind, and Lin Zitong quickly thought of something.

Before, as soon as she went out, You Haoze received the news. You Haoze knew exactly what she was doing at home and whether she ate or not.

It was as if an eye was watching her every move.

Could it be that You Haoze sent Mrs. Li to monitor her?
When this idea came up, even she was startled.

What is You Haoze watching her for?
After a few seconds of silence, Lin Zitong asked softly.

"Sister Li, did Mr. You tell you in private that you should report my actions to him at any time?"

Mrs. Li was slightly surprised, with a stiff expression on her face, she shook her head: "Madam, don't get me wrong, sir, I told him on my own initiative. If you want to blame me, blame me for talking too much."

Lin Zitong saw what Aunt Li was thinking, and secretly bit her lip, blaming herself for being too stupid.

Whether it is or not, no matter how stupid she is, she will not admit it directly.After all, it was You Haoze who paid Aunt Li's salary.

It's not surprising that Mrs. Li turned to You Haoze.

Lin Zitong is not a tricky person, he can understand other people's difficulties.Besides, even if You Haoze asked Mrs. Li to monitor her, Mrs. Li could only obey orders.

(End of this chapter)

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