Chapter 210 A Pun!
"Honey, your posture is wrong." You Haoze walked behind her, took her little hand with a wide hand, and corrected her grip and standing posture.

After learning the correct posture, Lin Zitong practiced holding the club.

After only two days of practice, she learned to play golf.

You Haoze praised her for her good understanding.

This week's life, Lin Zitong had a relaxed and comfortable life.

On Monday, under You Haoze's coaxing and begging, Lin Zitong put on sunglasses and a mask, and accompanied him to work in the company.

Although Lin Zitong was fully armed, but she walked with the CEO You Haoze, the company's employees could easily guess her identity.

Although they didn't dare to blatantly point and point in front of the president, they must be slandering in their hearts and dare not speak out.

Lin Zitong felt that from the moment she stepped into the company's gate, all kinds of eyes followed her everywhere.

After receiving the mocking eyes cast on her by those employees, she felt a burning feeling on her face.

Such probing and colorful eyes made her feel like a thorn in her back, as if she had committed some unforgivable mistake.

It lasted until she and You Haoze entered the CEO's office, and those strange eyes were isolated.

From the morning to the evening, Lin Zitong accompanied You Haoze to the meeting, and helped him look through the documents and materials, and helped him.

The afterglow of the setting sun shines in from the glass windows, giving the office a bright but not dazzling luster.

In a few minutes, it will be off-duty time, but the business department sent a report at this time.

You Haoze took the document and threw it on the table without even reading it.

He pinched Lin Zitong's cheeks, and asked with a smile, "What do you want to eat tonight? I heard that there is a newly opened restaurant nearby, and the taste is very good. Why don't we try it later?"

Lin Zitong looked at him with great interest, and said half-jokingly: "Mr. You, is it too hard for you to let you eat the meals I cooked for a week? Now, don't you think about the meals I cook, stomach Is it disgusting?"

You Haoze touched a soft nail, and looked at her dumbfounded.

"Honey, do you want to eat my cooking?"

As he said that, he suddenly laughed lowly, then leaned close to her ear and whispered softly, "As soon as you push your fart (separate) your butt, I'll know what shit you're going to do."

This metaphor!
I wanted to tease him, but I didn't expect to be teased by him instead. Lin Zitong felt embarrassed, ashamed and annoyed.

This guy, can he speak human language?
Such unrefined words can come out of his mouth, it is really gentle, sometimes he is no different from a rascal when he speaks out of words.

After getting along with him for a long time, her tolerance and ability to respond have increased day by day.

She looked him up and down with malicious eyes, and imitated his tone and retorted.

"For so many years, you haven't eaten in vain!"

It's just a simple sentence, but the damage caused by the critical strike is immeasurable.


You Haoze's face suddenly became indescribably colorful, the colors kept changing, it was so beautiful that he even stuttered when he spoke.

"you you you……"

Listening to him "you" for a long time, Lin Zitong couldn't help laughing in his heart because she was so choked up that he couldn't speak a complete sentence.

After a while, You Haoze chuckled, took her hand and pulled her directly into his arms.

"Sure enough, a famous teacher produces an excellent apprentice."

He hugged her from behind, resting his chin lightly on her shoulder and neck, his warm breath sprayed on her skin, making it itchy.

(End of this chapter)

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