Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 22 Is the 8 hexagrams other people's family affairs interesting?

Chapter 22 Is it interesting to gossip about other people's family affairs?

"I can explain this." She took a deep breath and said boldly, "I heard Mr. You said that Mrs. You is busy with her career and often leaves home. I took these photos mainly because I wanted to show them to you someday. Take a look, Mrs. You, Mr. You needs you very much, I hope you can spend more time with him and care more..."

You Haoze narrowed his eyes slightly, and the corners of his mouth curved up.Is Jin Yan helping him as a lobbyist?Interesting.

"So, what Miss Jin means is that I, Mrs. You, am not competent?" Lin Zitong's face darkened, and he interrupted Jin Yan's words in a muffled voice.

It is very impolite to interrupt others easily, Lin Zitong understands.But in this case, she felt that she was already very educated not to swear.

Is there anything more infuriating than this?Being accused of something wrong by another woman in front of her husband.No matter how good-tempered a person is, he will lose his temper, right?
However, this woman still covets her husband, Lin Zitong's patience has reached its limit.

Hearing this, You Haoze's body froze slightly, and he took a deep breath.How could he have made such a serious mistake.

Before Jin Yan opened her mouth to defend, You Haoze struck first.

"Jin Yan, what nonsense are you talking about in front of my wife?" You Haoze, who had been silent for a long time, changed his expression, and his expression was not angry: "What do you know? Is it interesting to gossip about other people's family affairs? If you have so much free time, how about Do a good job."

His tone is undeniable: "I repeat, if you don't want to work in the public relations department, then pack up and leave."

Hearing You Haoze's words that were about to be concealed, Lin Zitong snorted coldly.She is really angry.Without his pampering, would Jin Yan be so presumptuous in front of her?

A wave of frustration hit Jin Yan's heart, and the eyes were filled with moisture. The black pupils were like a pond with fallen stones, and the clear water was rippling.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. You, I made a slip of the tongue."

Jin Yan bit her lip and tried her best to hold back the tears that were about to burst into her eyes, her voice was a little hoarse: "Mr. You, I will take the initiative to hand in my resignation letter, so you don't have to keep talking to drive me away."

You Haoze pursed his lips, and wanted to say something, but he had nothing to say.If Jin Yan hadn't insisted on messing with his wife, how could he have driven her away?

He appreciates and affirms Jin Yan's public relations ability.It's just that she shouldn't do such a stupid thing.It's okay for her to mess with him, but it's okay for her to mess with his wife.

Lin Zitong was very annoyed, and Jin Yan was not the only one who offended her.

She knew that if one Jin Yan was driven away, many Jin Yan would come.

The key problem lies with You Haoze.

In contrast, she was even more dissatisfied with You Haoze. In front of a woman who admired him, he complained that his wife didn't care about her family.Where does this leave her?

However, when she was angry, her sanity was still there.Her husband is not sensible, so he can go home and educate him. In front of his subordinates, she restrained herself from getting angry and saved him face.

She took a few deep breaths and kept reminding herself to calm down.

Suddenly, what Rong Jing said to her a few hours ago appeared in her mind. 'He cares about you so much, but you often neglect him for filming.Even my friend can't stand it anymore, you, you don't care enough about him. '

If Jin Yan, as You Haoze's admirer, said something that made her feel embarrassed, she could ignore it.But Rong Jing is her best friend, and she can't be deaf to it if she talks to her.

Father, like son.Analyzing from the standpoint of others, the two of them are right. She often leaves home for filming, and she has indeed neglected You Haoze...

 small theater
  Silu interviewed Lin Zitong

  "Tongtong, I think You Haoze is really kind to you, even I was touched, why do you doubt him?"

  Lin Zitong thought for a while before replying: "Although he is very kind to me, I am also very touched. However, I can't see through him, and I feel very insecure."

  "What would you do if one day you found out that he cheated on you?"

  Lin Zitong bit her lip and replied decisively, "Divorce!"

  "Tongtong, are you willing? Without him, where can you find a man who treats you so well?"

  Lin Zitong wanted to cry: "I love him, and I can't accept his betrayal. Rather than torturing him, it's better to let him go.

(End of this chapter)

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