Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 224 In my heart, you are my only girlfriend.

Chapter 224 In my heart, you are my only girlfriend.

"Okay, I'll ask Aunt Zhang."

You Xinyi's body was slightly stiff, and she pulled her skirt subconsciously.

You Haoze was about to get up when he suddenly heard Mo Guiying sigh.

"Hao Ze, Mom ordered Aunt Zhang to do this. Mom feels uncomfortable when you flatter your wife so much in front of the media. Why should my son who has worked so hard to become a wife slave?"


You Haoze stood up without comment, and walked out of the restaurant.

You Xinyi stood up and followed him out.

After Lin Zitong came out of the restaurant alone, he went to look for Aunt Zhang.Although she could guess that Aunt Zhang was ordered, she still had to prove it herself.

She walked around the living room and kitchen, but did not see Aunt Zhang.

So, she walked out, and as soon as she reached the gate, she felt someone approaching behind her.

Turning around, it was Li Xinyou.

Her body froze for a moment, then returned to normal, and hurriedly turned her back.

She was about to take a step, but Li Xinyou grabbed her hand with a few steps.

"Are you crazy?"

Lin Zitong tried to shake off the hands tightly bound around his wrists, and looked angrily at the man in front of him.

"You know I'm crazy too."

Li Xinyou's self-deprecating answer was like a kind of accusation, venting the backlog of depression and aggrievedness.

Lin Zitong pursed her lips and remained silent, looking at his heaving chest, he exuded an aura that she felt was dangerous.

"Why didn't you question me? Three years ago, you turned and left without saying a word, and it's the same today." Li Xinyou's eyes were full of disappointment and pain.

"You should guess why I'm with You Xinyi, right?"

"Why?" As he wished, Lin Zitong asked solemnly.

"Zi Tong." Gradually, Li Xinyou stabilized his emotions, and asked instead: "Are you married to You Haoze?"

"That's right, You Haoze is my real husband.

You Xinyi is my sister-in-law, no matter whether your love for her is true or not, I will not allow you to harm her again.


Li Xinyou smiled coldly and interrupted her.

"It's a pity, you think of her as a sister-in-law, but she may not really think of you as a sister-in-law."

As he spoke, he moved closer again, and whispered something in her ear.

"You Xinyi likes your husband very much, right? My feeling should be right."

Although his voice was small, it carried a firm tone.

She couldn't hear it more clearly, and every word was engraved into her heart.

In an instant, a chill ran up Lin Zitong's forehead along the soles of her feet, and she couldn't help shivering.

Even Li Xinyou could tell that You Xinyi liked You Haoze.

Lin Zitong swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and gradually calmed down, as if thinking of something, her expression suddenly changed, her eyes squinted at his face.

"Li Shao, you should see a psychiatrist if you are sick, and don't think of others as dirty as you.

Since you have so little confidence in your girlfriend, why force yourself to be with her? "

"I am for you.

Zitong, in my heart, you are my only girlfriend. "

There was a 'buzz' in Lin Zitong's head, and a strange expression flashed across his face.

Fortunately, she is an actress, so she can control the expression on her face perfectly.

She smiled lightly and looked indifferently: "No matter what your purpose is, I advise you to let go. She is not suitable for you. If you dare to hurt her, You Haoze will fight you desperately."

"Do you think I'm afraid of You Haoze? Hehe, you underestimate me."

A smile overflowed from the corner of Li Xinyou's mouth, he stared at her and said word by word.

"She is not suitable for me, you are suitable for me. I don't care about the past between you and You Haoze. As long as you come back to me, I promise not to hurt their brothers and sisters."

(End of this chapter)

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