Chapter 237 Resign?

There seemed to be a smile in his eyes, and he took advantage of the situation to put his arms around her waist, combing her hair vaguely.

"what happened?"

She buried her head in his arms and murmured.

"Boss You, I love you so much."

He couldn't help but chuckled, and put her hand to his lips and kissed her lightly.

"Ok, I know."

Hearing this, she gently pushed him away, pursed her lips and looked at him without saying a word, trying to see something from his expression.

I really don't understand, what kind of routine is he doing?
She said she loves him, but he shouldn't say "wife, I love you too." '?

You Haoze's black eyes became dark and unfathomable, and he stared at her silently.

Lin Zitong couldn't help shrinking back, holding his breath and waiting for his next words.

However, he didn't speak, just lowered his head and kissed her lips, biting and plundering her lips.

Arms wrapped around his narrow waist, his breath filled his nose.

Clean, warm, and reassuring are the breath she is most familiar with and the breath she desires the most.

Just smelling this breath, I feel that happiness is about to overflow.

Leaning in his arms, my heart is extremely comfortable.

Because I know that there is the warmest and most comfortable shelter that can isolate all troubles...

While lips and teeth were intertwined, Lin Zitong suddenly saw a white figure quietly appearing in sight, shy and embarrassed, she pushed You Haoze away in a panic.

You Haoze turned around in surprise, looking at Jin Yan who appeared behind him like a ghost.

His body was straight, his cold black eyes were almost completely frozen, no expression could be seen.

Today, Jin Yan did not put on her professional attire, but a pure white dress, which lacked the sharpness of a strong professional woman and added the gentleness and charm of a girl.

That pure white dress made Jin Yan look extraordinary.

It can be said that this pure white dress suits her very well, the only thing that is not in harmony is that the expression on her face is too cold and stiff.

This kind of golden beauty not only made Lin Zitong feel strange, but even You Haoze couldn't see through it.

However, You Haoze was stunned for a moment, and immediately recovered.

In front of Lin Zitong, he pretended to be very calm on the surface, his black eyes glanced coldly at Jin Yan, and his tone was a bit puzzled.

"Secretary Jin, why don't you knock on the door first when you enter my office?"

Lin Zitong could tell that You Haoze's tone was not harsh, nor did he intend to blame, but just discussing the matter as it stands.

Jin Yan looked back at him coldly, without any change in expression, and spoke indifferently.

"Mr. You, I have sent the resignation report to your personal mailbox.

Thank you for your careful cultivation and care of me in the past few months. I came here specially to say goodbye to you. "

Although the tone is gentle, the sadness and reluctance in the words are so strong.


Both You Haoze and Lin Zitong were stunned by Jin Yan's sudden decision.

Lin Zitong's heart trembled slightly, he didn't know how to express his emotions for a moment, he looked at Jin Yan suspiciously, puzzled, and at a loss, with complicated emotions.

Can't say whether he is happy or sad, but Lin Zitong just feels that something is wrong?
A few days ago, Jin Yan took great pains to ask her out, just to beg her to let him be You Haoze's secretary.

Finally, she reluctantly agreed.

Jin Yan was about to give up the position of secretary that she had so hard to get so easily?

Lin Zitong couldn't help frowning and thinking, is it because You Haoze's public display of love destroyed all of Jin Yan's fantasies, so Jin Yan couldn't stand it, so she offered to resign?
Or is it because recently, she went to and from get off work with You Haoze and helped You Haoze with some work matters, which made Jin Yan feel at a loss?

Or maybe Jin Yan has found a better company and is ready to jump ship and find another job?

(End of this chapter)

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