Chapter 241 is definitely tricky.

Even if he doesn't want to cooperate with Xin Ying on the project, can't he just talk about it?

Looking towards You Haoze, Lin Zitong couldn't help being even more puzzled when he saw his face was as cold as an ice sculpture, and his eyes were deep and unfathomable.

She couldn't help interjecting, and smiled softly: "Boss You, since Miss Xin is so anxious to see you, there must be something important, why don't you just go and see you. I'll accompany you."

Hua Qiang came to You Haoze so anxiously, which was similar to Jin Yan's previous visit to You Haoze.

It was Xin Ying who threatened to see You Haoze urgently.

Neither Jin Yan nor Hua Qiang could stand up to Xin Ying, which shows that Xin Ying's methods and origins should not be underestimated.

Lin Zitong has already made a plan in her heart, this time, she will follow You Haoze to meet Xin Ying.

Unexpectedly, You Haoze rejected her without any hesitation.

"Honey, you stay in the office, I'll come as soon as I go."

Lin Zitong's smile suddenly subsided, his beautiful eyes blinked, and he looked at him with piercing eyes.

"Mr. You, anyway, I'm fine if I'm idle, just let me listen in."

You Haoze's expression changed suddenly, a wave flashed in his black eyes, but he recovered in the blink of an eye.

"You read those documents first before talking."

He rejected her gently but resolutely, and turned to Huaqiang and said, "You stay here to help."

Hua Qiang understood what the president meant, and nodded slightly.

Lin Zitong knew in his heart that You Haoze didn't want her to follow.

Last time, it was Xin Ying who indicated that she wanted to see You Haoze alone.

This time, Xin Ying did not say that she wanted to see You Haoze alone, but You Haoze stopped her from going.

Absolutely tricky.

Regarding this, Lin Zitong was full of doubts in his heart, but he didn't show any abnormality, and watched You Haoze leave the office calmly.

Two minutes after You Haoze left, Huaqiang's cell phone rang.

Because Lin Zitong was standing next to Huaqiang, she clearly saw the caller ID on his phone.


This call is from You Haoze.

Hua Qiang was slightly stiff, and walked away unnaturally, until he kept a distance from Lin Zitong, and then pressed the answer button awkwardly.

It was a little far away, and Lin Zitong couldn't hear what the person on the other end of the phone said.

She only heard Hua Qiang reply.

"Boss You, I understand."

What did You Haoze say just now that he didn't finish all at once, and he had to call to explain it after he left?
Could it be that You Haoze has something inconvenient to say in front of her?

Lin Zitong faintly felt that something was wrong, so he didn't delve into it for a while, so he sat on the sofa and picked up the documents and began to read them.

In the president's reception room, Xin Ying was in a much worse mood when she came here for the second time, compared to the last time.

The last time she came, she had just cried, her eyes were red.

This time, although he didn't cry, his face didn't look any better.

She had a dark face and looked extremely gloomy.

The expression on that face was like that of a bride who was abandoned by the groom at a wedding, full of aggrieved and annoyed.

The heart is even more sour, but the performance is furious.

Just now, the welcoming lady who was in charge of entertaining Xin Ying was angrily reprimanded by her for no reason.

At this moment, the welcoming lady lowered her head and dared not speak.

You Haoze refused to answer her phone, and refused to come out to see her, so Xin Ying's anger was all she could vent on others.

Xin Ying waited very impatiently, her pupils were as sharp as blades, and she stared at Miss Yingbin.

"Why hasn't You Haoze come yet? I asked you to inform me, have you gone?"

"Go, go. Miss Xin, please wait patiently."

(End of this chapter)

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