Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 261 I'm talking about cooking.

Chapter 261 I'm talking about cooking.

You Haoze stared at her with scorching eyes, staring at her for a long time, a smile curled up on his lips.

"Do you mind?"

Reminded by his question, Lin Zitong felt aggrieved in his heart and tried to keep calm, but his voice became a little colder.

"No, how could I mind? Secretary Jin is very capable and can help you..."

You Haoze seemed to be taken aback for a moment, and laughed in a low voice: "I'm talking about cooking."

All the words in his heart were blocked by him, Lin Zitong opened his mouth in a daze, not knowing what to say for a moment.

She stared blankly at him for a few seconds before suddenly realizing how stupid things she did and what stupid things she said.

An extra egg suddenly appeared in the bowl.

She sat there in embarrassment, looking down at her tableware, neither eating nor not eating.

He stretched out his hand and gently scratched her nose, and smiled.

"Eat as much as you want, I feel bad when I'm hungry."

So, under You Haoze's supervision and persuasion, Lin Zitong drank a whole glass of corn juice, and also ate an extra crab roe bun and eggs.

She had a premonition that if she kept eating with You Haoze, she would gain weight in a short time.

Although I was a little distressed about this, the distress was suddenly dispelled by the sweetness in my heart.

However, what was depressing was that Jin Yan came again after the meal.

As if measuring the time and deliberately avoiding it, when Lin Zitong and You Haoze were having dinner, Jin Yan came in with the pile of documents in her arms.

Lin Zitong was packing up the tableware on the coffee table, and overheard the conversation between Jin Yan and You Haoze.

"Mr. You, I just read this document, and there are many flaws in it."

"Well, show it to me."

Lin Zitong raised his eyes and looked towards the desk. You Haoze was sitting at the desk reading documents. His white shirt was not wrinkled, and his slender legs wrapped in black trousers were elegantly folded.

The documents were placed on the table in front of him, and he looked down intently with his head down.

Jin Yan was standing next to him holding the pile of folders, her slender legs were eye-catching.

She leaned forward slightly, as if pointing out a flaw in the document.

You Haoze was dressed in a neat suit and looked well-dressed, sitting on a chair.

And Jin Yan, like a pink mermaid, has a graceful, graceful figure wrapped,, wrapped under a high-end professional skirt, bewitching, lustful, and seductive.

You Haoze lowered his head, Lin Zitong saw Jin Yan stealing glances at him from time to time, that yearning and infatuated gaze made her feel stuck in her throat.

Seeing You Haoze raised his head, seeming to glance at her, Lin Zitong lowered his head subconsciously, picked up the food box and tableware and went to the bathroom distractedly.

Jin Yan's crisp and pleasant voice came from behind.

"Mr. You, today is the final signing deadline for that project.

I don't know how you think about it? "

Today is the final signing deadline?

Hearing this, Lin Zitong paused, turned around and walked towards the coffee table, pretending to have forgotten something.

Even she herself couldn't figure it out, she could listen to the conversation between the two of them openly, but she wanted to act like a dog.

To put it bluntly, I stay in this office like an outsider.

You Haoze looked at her again, and smiled inexplicably.

Seeing his evil smile, Lin Zitong's heart shuddered, recovered from the previous surprise, and walked towards the bathroom with the food box in his hand.

"Notify the various departments to hold a meeting in the afternoon. In addition..."

Lin Zitong couldn't hear what was said next.

When Lin Zitong came back, Jin Yan had already left the office.

Walking into the office, she subconsciously locked the door behind her.

(End of this chapter)

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