Chapter 271 So handsome!

You Haoze started the car and drove back to the company, but the paparazzi didn't follow.

The speed of network transmission is amazing.

Almost at the same time, the scene at the entrance of the restaurant has been spread on the Internet, and major news websites are scrambling to report this incident first.

This time, You Haoze stole the limelight, there were numerous comments under the reports about him, all female fans knelt (separated) and licked.

[Wow, so handsome!Awesome!Handsome to burst! ]
[If being handsome is a crime, then CEO You Da has committed a heinous crime. ]
[That’s right, that’s right, it’s so handsome that it’s unreasonable, it’s easy to get pregnant just by looking at it! ]
[Hey, the biggest regret in this life is not being able to kiss this handsome face. ]
[Stupid, you all get out of the way, I want to lick the screen! ]
[Well, from now on, all my screensavers will be replaced by President You Da. ]
[Ah, if President You enters the entertainment industry, he will definitely become the brightest and most dazzling star. ]

A group of nympho!
[Hey, is it really good for you to boast about the CEO so much? How embarrassing is it for Zhong Shaoqing, the national male god, to see it! ]
Lin Zitong was holding the phone, and after seeing this comment, she curled her lips and couldn't help laughing out loud.

This smile successfully attracted You Haoze's attention.He walked over from the desk and went straight to the sofa.

When Lin Zitong was reading the comments with great enjoyment, his mobile phone was taken away suddenly.

You Haoze looked at the screen for a few seconds, his black eyes narrowed: "Where's the joke?"

After seeing the narrow smile in his eyes, Lin Zitong gave him an annoyed look: "It has nothing to do with you."

You Haoze returned the phone to her, and pinched her face by the way: "Are you still angry?"

She curled her lips, gave him an annoyed look, slapped off his troublesome fingers, and continued to stare at the phone with lowered eyes.

You Haoze sat down on the sofa, pulled her into his arms, and stroked her black hair lightly (partitioned) with his fingers, like smoothing the fur of a cat that was fried.

"What do you think of me online, huh?"

The bewitching breath squirted (separated) against her ears, Lin Zitong's handsome face was slightly hot, and he spoke in a mysterious way: "They all say you are handsome, the kind who can (separated) conceive just by looking at you."

He smiled disapprovingly, and joked: "I didn't expect that my handsome face can cure (separate) pregnancy?"

Lin Zitong was amused by his self-flattering words, and rubbed against his arms.What's wrong with him recently? He's becoming more and more good at coaxing people. Does he take it as his duty to make her laugh?

Seeing her smile, a happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he lowered his head and kissed her cheek, jokingly said: "However, I just want you to be (separated) pregnant."

This guy, it's really a love story, he doesn't feel embarrassed, but she still feels nauseous.

However, she didn't feel that it was against the law to hear it, and she couldn't figure out why she loved listening so much?What to do, she seems to love him more and more, and become more and more attached to him.

Leaning in his arms felt comfortable and at ease, she squinted her eyes and felt sleepy and tired.

In a daze, she felt that he was caressing (partitioning) her belly gently, and said to herself: "Is there a little Zitong inside?"

Hearing this, she revived and protested to him: "Why is it Xiao Zitong, why can't it be Xiao Haoze?"

"Huh?" You Haoze stared at her with wide eyes.

"I want a son."

As soon as Lin Zitong said this, You Haoze quickly changed his words: "Well, if we want a son, let's have a son. I guess it's not so easy for us to just want a daughter."

"What?" Now it was her turn to be puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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