Chapter 276 Did she provoke Jin Yan?

Sure enough, he understood her.

After Lin Zitong woke up, You Haoze had already left the lounge, with his body temperature and smell beside him, he should have left not long ago.

After getting up and tidying up her clothes, she walked out of the lounge and saw You Haoze sitting at the desk checking the PPT.

"Honey, wake up."

"The meeting in the afternoon, can I go with you?" Because it was related to the signing of that project, she was very curious about how You Haoze would end up.

"Well, let's go together, I was going to call you too."

After finishing the PPT, You Haoze embraced Lin Zitong and went to the meeting room.

In the huge conference room, people arrived one after another, and everyone gathered together to discuss in whispers.Seeing the president come in, it was so quiet that even the sound of breathing was very clear.

All eyes turned to the woman beside the president.Uh, everyone should know the relationship between the two of them by now.

You Haoze made such a high profile, it's hard to pretend not to know.

It can be seen that whether it is the company's employees, senior management, or business partners, they are all afraid of him.

In front of the company's employees, You Haoze's handsome face that has been like an iceberg for many years is daunting.

He is cold, reserved, and dignified.

But only Lin Zitong knew that the real You Haoze was quite interesting, always smiling in front of her, sticking to people like snot and couldn't get rid of it.

He probably made the face in front of the person and the face behind the person to the extreme.

Lin Zitong scanned around. Most of the people attending the meeting were company executives in suits and leather shoes. They didn't see Xin Ying, but they saw Geng Junchen.

Geng Junchen was wearing a gray suit, as low-key as himself, sitting directly opposite You Haoze.

Jin Yan sat next to Geng Junchen.

When their eyes met, Lin Zitong saw gloom in Jin Yan's eyes.

Was she the one who provoked Jin Yan?

Originally, the person sitting next to You Haoze should be Jin Yan, but she took the seat, so Jin Yan is not happy?
And Zhong Shaoqing had already called earlier, saying that he would let his agent sign the contract, and Lin Zitong really saw his agent.It wasn't Huang Wei, it was the one I met at the Royal International Hotel that day.

After all, it is not Zhong Shaoqing himself. Although the agent represents Zhong Shaoqing, his sense of presence is much lower.

Sitting next to the manager was a serious-looking young talent wearing blue-rimmed glasses.

Who is that man?Lin Zitong had never seen him before, and she didn't seem to be dressed like a company, so she kept sizing up the man.

You Haoze sat next to her, followed her gaze, saw her doubts, and whispered to her.

"That's Huang Yang."

Oh, Huang Yang, the cutting-edge advertising director, works in Xin Ying's company.

After the meeting started, they talked a lot of technical terms, Lin Zitong was confused, but slowly she understood.

You Haoze's attitude is very clear, he does not agree with this project, and he is determined not to sign the contract.The company was founded by him alone, and he usually has the final say on major and minor matters, and other senior executives of the company dare not say anything about what he decides.

However, Geng Junchen, Huang Yang, and Zhong Shaoqing's manager were not happy.

When the company's senior management was almost gone, Huang Yang, the cutting-edge advertising director, asked: "Mr. You, we have already negotiated this project at the beginning, why did you change your mind temporarily?"

Perhaps because he still had a glimmer of hope for the contracted project, even if Huang Yang was annoyed, he didn't dare to really provoke You Haoze. Both his tone and attitude were relatively sincere.

(End of this chapter)

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