Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 286 Do you want me to help you remember?

Chapter 286 Shall I help you recall?
Oh, it's really a turn of events. Just now she asked him what he wanted, but now he asked her.

Xin Ying looked at You Haoze's flustered look, knowing that she had hit his sore spot, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth unconsciously.

"If you don't mention the photo, you are as indifferent and arrogant as a god. When you mention the bed photo, you are so majestic that you even yell,,, and sound like a,,,,,, person."

After the words fell, she watched his face constantly changing, and various emotions passed through his black eyes as quickly as clouds in a windy day, but each one was so fast that she couldn't grasp it.

In the end, the complex expressions on his face were completely submerged, like the surface of a windless lake without a single ripple.

Did she actually take pictures?You Haoze stared at her eyes suspiciously, trying to find out a clue.

It took him a while to look away, pretending to be calm on the surface, but inside he was rolling like a huge wave, contradicting, entangled, and struggling.

"Yinger, our relationship is over long ago, can you let me go? I only have Lin Zitong in my heart now, and I only love her."

Xin Ying looked at him with a complicated expression, secretly thinking about the facts she knew a long time ago, her heart still felt inexplicable pain.

Hearing him keep saying that he loved another woman, the fire of hope in her heart was extinguished by his cold and unfeeling attitude, and her whole heart went from disappointment to numbness.

"You love her, why are you still dating me? Ze, do you really not remember what happened that night? Do you want me to help you remember?"

Xin Ying's mocking voice was desolate, so calm that it sounded a little sad.Before he could respond, she took out a photo from her bag and threw it at You Haoze angrily.

"Take a good look yourself, is that you in the photo?"

You Haoze stood there dumbfounded, did not reach out to pick up the photo, and let the photo spin a few times in the air.

Finally, it landed firmly on the ground, just right on the back.

The picture in that photo is really dazzling.

Seeing that photo suddenly, You Haoze's whole body tensed up, as if the strings were about to be pulled apart, he felt a chill spread from his toes to his brain, and a thin cold sweat broke out on his back.

In the photo, the man was lying on a big bed with his upper body bare, and the woman was lying beside the man, with her arms tightly around the man.

Anyone who looks at such a photo will have imagination.

Although the two men appear to be asleep with their eyes closed in the photo, their faces are easily recognizable.

One is him and the other is Xin Ying.

A few days ago, he stayed in the company all day long, worked overtime day and night, worked desperately, read one project after another, held one meeting after another, trying to numb his senses.

Because, as long as he is not careful, that night will bite him and keep reminding him that he has made an unforgivable mistake.

He deliberately wanted to forget about it, but the memory he had worked so hard to preserve collapsed when he saw this photo.

Frowning lightly, the scene of that day flooded You Haoze's mind.

patter patter . . .

Who is taking a shower in his room?
You Haoze slowly opened his eyes, staring blankly at the white ceiling.


Sensing that something was wrong, he sat up directly, only to realize that this was not his room.The furnishings in the room are both familiar and unfamiliar to him, it looks like a hotel suite.

The black eyes lowered and swept over his naked body, but fortunately, the thin quilt covered his male, sexual, symbol.

What shocked him the most was that there was a dry bloodstain on the white bed sheet.

What that is, he knows best.

(End of this chapter)

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