Chapter 289 Don't Be Convinced!

"Mr. Geng, your coffee is ready."

Geng Junchen was looking at his mobile phone with fascination, and he didn't notice Lin Zitong appearing in front of him at all.

He recovered from his deep emotions, gave Lin Zitong a complicated look, and took the coffee in her hand.

Lin Zitong was sitting on the sofa next to Geng Junchen, secretly looking at him out of the corner of his eyes, trying to figure out his attitude.

Seeing him holding coffee in one hand and swiping his phone in the other, she couldn't help sighing in her heart.This big boss is just different, he can compete with You Haoze, but can he do two things at once?
After a while, Geng Junchen put down his phone and concentrated on tasting his coffee.

He sniffed the aroma of coffee exaggeratedly, with a look that this cup of coffee is unique.

"Aze is right, the coffee you make is delicious."

Lin Zitong was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly laughed: "Unexpectedly, Boss Geng would also praise me."

Whether it was an illusion or not, Geng Junchen felt that there was a sense of irony in her smile.

His thick eyebrows furrowed tighter and tighter, and he tapped on the table with his fingers: "Don't be surprised, I only praised you reluctantly for your husband's sake."

Yeah?In front of You Haoze just now, he still embarrassed her.Doesn't he feel conflicted about himself?

It's said that women don't agree with what they say, and now she has seen that men don't agree with what they say.

"Mr. Geng, I apologize to you for what happened at the villa that night. I'm not that hypocritical. If I did something wrong, you can just bring it up. I don't want us to have trouble and let Mr. You Difficult to do."

Geng Junchen looked at her in disbelief for a while, with a stiff expression on his face, a slight twitch of the corner of his mouth, and a word came out of nowhere.

"Aze didn't really marry you, he doesn't like you at all, and you don't deserve him either!"

What he said was too annoying.

Lin Zitong smiled indifferently, but there was a dim light in his eyes: "Why am I not good enough for him? Don't act like you know me well, and you have no right to judge other people's feelings."

Geng Junchen raised the corners of his lips, but his eyes were as cold as usual: "You look a lot like Yinger, you don't know..."

"I know." Lin Zitong forced herself to suppress the uneasiness in her heart, but in the end she couldn't. Although her tone was not too emotional, she couldn't hold back and interrupted him.

"Xin Ying is his ex-girlfriend, he has already told me personally."

"So you know." Geng Junchen's eyes were complicated and dark, and he sighed lightly: "Didn't you ever think that the reason he is with you is because you look like Ying Er?"

His words made her uncomfortable.

She obviously didn't care, but she was still not as free and easy as she imagined, and she couldn't really act as if nothing had happened.

"I am me, Xin Ying is Xin Ying."

She smiled lightly, but she couldn't help being slightly annoyed in her heart.

"No matter what he did to Xin Ying in the past, that is the past. He is my husband now, he loves me very much, and I love him too."

"You love him, why are you still entangled with Shaoqing?" Geng Junchen didn't show any emotion on his face, but there was some light sarcasm in his tone: "Don't you read what fans on the Internet say about you? Two boats, half-hearted, I feel sad for Shaoqing and Aze."

She couldn't help frowning slightly, and took a deep breath, all kinds of emotions in her heart were surging like an undercurrent, but she tried her best to restrain her anger.

"Yeah, even though I am like this, there are still men who love me. This is the charm. Don't be convinced!"

(End of this chapter)

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