Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 315 You Haoze is really too shrewd to hide anything from him.

Chapter 315 You Haoze is really too shrewd to hide anything from him.

You Haoze didn't drive in a hurry, but took out a cigarette a little annoyed.

But as soon as he lit it, he seemed to think of something again. He extinguished the cigarette without taking a puff, and threw it directly into the ashtray.

Probably he took into account that she was pregnant, and he was afraid that smoking would be bad for the baby in her womb.

He is indeed a caring and responsible man.

When thinking this way, Xin Yinghong/lips slightly hooked, and a playful smile slipped across.

"Aze, you can smoke if you want, I'm fine, you don't have to do it for me..."

"You think too much, it's my wife who won't let me smoke."

In one sentence, beat her back to her original shape.

"Can you not mention her?"


You Haoze's expression was light and indifferent, as if he was extremely reluctant to ask: "You really have it? Why didn't you take your medicine?"

His tone was so cold that it made people's skin crawl.

There was a voice in her heart rushing to say, I wish I could have the chance to conceive your child, why do I need to take medicine?

However, seeing his increasingly gloomy face, she knew that it was best not to mess with him now.

"Mmm." She replied lightly, and swallowed guiltyly, she didn't dare to say another word.

After starting the car, You Haoze straightened his body and drove the car silently.

The car was very quiet, there was no music, only the faint sound of the engine.

The colorful sunlight penetrated the glass windows and poured into the carriage. Xin Ying looked at the back of his head and asked softly.

"Aze, where are we going?"

"City Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital."

Noticing that his attitude towards her had improved, Xin Ying was immersed in joy, and asked him with a smile: "Who is sick? Who are we going to visit?"

You Haoze had a rare good temper, and his voice didn't sound particularly emotional: "Go to the hospital for a blood test."

What?Xin Ying didn't react just now, but this time she figured it out.

He is going to take her to the hospital for a pregnancy test.

It turned out that when she said she was pregnant, he didn't believe it at all, or half believed it.

You Haoze is really too shrewd, he can't hide anything from him.

However, her lie has already been spoken, and it is impossible to take it back now.She won't admit she's lying unless she has to.

Although lying about being pregnant with a child will be exposed sooner or later, but it can be delayed for a while.

As long as there was a rift between him and Lin Zitong, and the relationship broke down, she would have a chance to return to him.

"Aze, can you not go? The hospital is not a good place. In case, you are infected with the virus..."

Her mouth opened and closed, You Haoze let her chatter alone, without any response.

Along the way, his expressionless face looked as cold as ice.

The street scene outside the car passed away quickly, Xin Ying's face gradually became ugly, and her palms were slightly sweaty.

Along the way, her mind was full of thoughts, when she got to the hospital, wouldn't she be a victim of the blood test?What if he knew she lied to him?
While planning for the worst, while thinking about how to make up this lie?If you can keep him, you are not afraid of not having children.

As the car drove farther and farther, she began to feel a little regretful in her heart. If she had known that he would be so serious, she would not have lied and deceived him like this.

The closer she got to the hospital, the more flustered she felt, her hands and feet were cold.

Because this lie was made up too suddenly, without any planning and preparation, it would be overwhelmed as soon as it arrived at the hospital.However, she knows many people, but she has no friendship with the medical staff of the Chinese Medicine Hospital.

After deliberating for a long time, she plucked up the courage to ask, "Why do you want to go to the City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine?"

 Let's guess together, is Xin Ying pregnant or not?
  Before [-] o'clock tomorrow night, as long as five people guess correctly, I will add more!

(End of this chapter)

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