Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 332 There is no quarrel, we are fine.

Chapter 332 There is no quarrel, we are fine.

After cleaning it briefly, and pasting a piece of A———————————————, she returned to the couch.

Lying softly on Simmons, she closed her eyes tiredly.

Here comes the aunt, which means she is not pregnant with his child.

There is a little bit of rejoicing in my heart.

However, that little bit of happiness was quickly overwhelmed by strong frustration and panic.

No children, does it mean that if they want to divorce, there will be no fetters at all?
Auntie Lai's pain surged towards her like a raging tide, invasive—assaulting her body.

Xiao——The stomach hurts, and the heart also hurts.

Don't be sad, don't be sad, just sleep and everything will be fine when you wake up.

Like a person suffering from illness, she looked for various ways to numb herself, comforted herself and forced herself to fall asleep.

Half asleep and half awake, there was a knock on the door.

Immediately outside the door came Aunt Xue's voice: "Madam told Miss to go downstairs for dinner."

"Aunt Xue, eat, I'm not hungry."

"Miss, what's the point if you don't eat, your stomach will go wrong! How about I bring the food?"

"No, I'll go down by myself."

Lin Zitong forced himself to get up from the couch, put on his slippers and went down the stairs.

If you don't go downstairs to eat, mom will definitely come upstairs in a while, and she won't be able to be quiet by then.

"Mom, I'll do it myself."

As soon as he reached the corner of the stairs, Lin Zitong heard a familiar voice from the restaurant downstairs.

"Hao Ze, Tong Tong crashed your car, don't blame her, she has already blamed herself a lot."

It really is my mother!Although between her and You Haoze, mother will favor You Haoze, but she will speak good words for her at critical moments, and her heart is still with her in the end.

"Mom, look at what you said. What's mine is hers, so why bother. It's good that people are fine, and money is something outside of us."

"That's fine, that's fine."

While listening to the conversation from the restaurant, Lin Zitong walked into the restaurant, not knowing whether it was wronged or uncomfortable, his eyes were a little red.

You Haoze raised his eyes and looked at her. From such a long distance, he saw that her complexion was very bad, a little haggard.

Lin Zitong's face flickered under the firelight, and he swept the restaurant coldly.

She bit her lip, walked over with thoughts, and sat down in a place far away from You Haoze.

Perhaps because of You Haoze's favor, the dinner was very rich, but seeing the table full of dishes, she couldn't arouse any interest in eating.

Her brows were tightly furrowed, as if she had something very serious on her mind.

Seeing this, Lin Yunzhen's face darkened slightly, and there was a hint of suspicion in the eyes that looked at the two of them.

"Hao Ze, did you two have a fight?"

You Haoze's face was more handsome under the light, his black pupils were unfathomable, and he replied calmly: "There is no quarrel, we are doing well."

Lin Zitong froze for a moment, Qingshui stared at him, You Haoze curled his thin lips.

He got up from his seat, sat next to Lin Zitong, put his arms around her and asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

Lin Zitong's body froze for a moment, and his restrained voice was as cold as ice: "It's okay, it's just that my eyes are uncomfortable."

She stretched out her hand and rubbed the corner of her eyes, You Haoze pulled her hand away, and moved closer to Jun's face.

"Don't rub it, let me see, why are your eyes uncomfortable?"

If it wasn't for his mother staring at her closely, Lin Zitong really didn't want to talk to him, but in this situation, she had to cooperate with him to perform the scene well.

Complicated and incomprehensible emotions flashed across her eyes, and she lowered her watery eyes to suppress the emotions in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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