Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 34 This guy can always easily handle her weaknesses.

Chapter 34 This guy can always easily handle her weaknesses.

You Haoze heard the overtones, and said cheerfully: "Don't eat these, save some stomach for a big meal. Let's go now."

After achieving the goal, You Haoze was in such a good mood, he couldn't wait to hold Lin Zitong's hand, and was about to leave excitedly.

"Did you pay the bill? Are you eating the overlord's meal?"

"Honey, I hope you can take some time to get to know me. Now, I'll give you some science, and they will send the bill to the company."

You Haoze said, laughing out loud: "Your husband can just swipe his face when he eats, and he doesn't need to swipe his card."

Since the two of them were secretly married, Lin Zitong and You Haoze seldom go shopping, eat or watch movies together, so naturally they don't know about it.She had an epiphany, no wonder the dishes were served one after another after they finished ordering, before the chairs were warmed up.

Dare to love You Haoze's face so much!

Hearing this, she raised her eyes and saw that he was smiling flamboyantly and wantonly, which was a bit confusing.

Lin Zitong's complexion sank slightly, and he frowned slightly, what's wrong?
She seemed to be tricked by him again?
Forget it, attending a meal with him can make him so happy, so why not do it.

You Haoze walked out of the lotus pond with Lin Zitong in his arms, and at a glance he saw the Rolls Royce parked not far away, and the driver was already standing beside him waiting.

Lin Zitong noticed that not only the driver, but even the people around him were all focusing on her and You Haoze.

You Haoze is very useful, he accepts all kinds of attention gifts from all around him very calmly, always smiles with perfect amiability, and shows an elegant and gentlemanly demeanor in his gestures and gestures.

Lin Zitong was extremely uncomfortable being watched, those gazes seemed to be hot, as if they would burn her in the next second.She secretly took off the sunglasses pinned to her hair and put them on the bridge of her nose.

You Haoze was quite embarrassed by her action, and laughed softly: "What are you doing?"

He took off her sunglasses and played with / in his hands.

"Give me back!"

Lin Zitong subconsciously stretched out her hand to grab it, but You Haoze raised her hand so high that she couldn't reach it at all, she lowered her head and stomped her foot in frustration.

A gloomy and indifferent voice came from the top of your head: "Does it make you feel embarrassed to be with me?"

Hearing the sound, Lin Zitong raised his head, and happened to meet his slightly squinted eyes, the fundus of which was obscured, so he knew he was a little angry.

Perhaps, her actions hurt him a little, and her attitude softened a little: "I'm just not used to it."

"You... an ostrich." You Haoze sighed, and put the sunglasses on her hand.

Without the slightest hesitation or hesitation, Lin Zitong's movement of wearing sunglasses was done in one go.

You Haoze's eyes froze, his face froze for a moment, he raised his hand and slowly hooked her loose hair, lowered his voice and said, "I don't understand what you are worrying about? When you are with your husband, you have to behave like It's like stealing the sun."

Everything must have a step-by-step process?She promised to accompany him to the dinner, isn't that enough to accommodate him?It's really getting bigger and bigger!
Lin Zitong was agitated by his words, and followed his words and asked, "Then what else do you want?"

Her tone was low, and she lowered her voice slightly to make it more pleasant.

The slightly provocative words teased/altered You Haoze's emotions, he paused, looked at her with burning eyes, and the corners of his lips curved: "Lin Zitong, just wait for me and see how I deal with you at night !"

Hearing this, Lin Zitong's body trembled, and he took off his sunglasses.

This guy can always easily handle her weaknesses.

 That day, I confessed my love to a handsome guy I like.

  I told him, what should I do in order for you to accept me?

  The handsome guy thought for a while and said, if you can impress me, I will think about it.

  I was happy then, is it that simple?

  I raised my hand and knocked him down with a snap.

(End of this chapter)

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