Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 344 She's about to become a mother, and she's still as willful as before!

Chapter 344 She's about to become a mother, and she's still as willful as before!
His tone was not harsh, but it was cold and indifferent. Such alienation made her feel a little uncomfortable.

However, when he thought that he no longer called her Miss Xin or her name, he called her Ying Er instead.The uncomfortable feeling in her heart was gradually suppressed, and she felt much more comfortable unconsciously.

With a smile on her lips, her crisp voice was suddenly filled with joy: "Your female secretary. Did you explain to her? Why is she so accommodating to me today?"

You Haoze's face was gloomy, he didn't answer her words, his eyes fell on her feet inadvertently, and he frowned slightly.

"Why are you still wearing high heels?"

This sentence that was very familiar before fell into her ears, and Xin Ying's heart quickly flashed with ecstasy, she looked at him with concentration, and opened her mouth with a smile.

"I forgot."

Seeing the expression on You Haoze's face gradually solidified, the dark eyes gradually deepened, and a layer of haze shrouded his handsome face.

Xin Ying couldn't help shrinking back, and began to defend with a reddish face.

"Actually, it's okay to wear high heels. I'm used to wearing them, and I don't feel any discomfort."

Looking at her delicate appearance, You Haoze's cold black eyes gradually revealed some warmth, and he reprimanded in a low voice: "I'm about to become a mother, and I'm still as willful as before!"

The handsome face revealed a faint indifference, but also a little sincerity and concern.

Although he was still not in a good mood, Xin Ying felt that his attitude had changed for the better, and he began to care about her affairs.

That's a good sign.

The long-standing stagnation in her heart was finally untied, and she pursed her lips and smiled.

Looking handsome, You Haoze picked up the landline on the table and called Jin Yan: "Secretary Jin, please go to the nearby mall to buy a pair of size 36 flat shoes now, and bring them to the office later."

Xin Ying's heart was soft, and she smiled lightly at him: "Ah Ze, do you still remember that I wear a size 36?"

A long time ago, when You Haoze was still in school and his family didn't have much money, he bought a pair of ridiculously expensive sneakers for her on her birthday.

At that time, she still laughed at him for not understanding girls' minds, not even giving gifts, and angrily wanted to return the sneakers to him.

How can anyone give girls sneakers? If they want to give them, they are also giving them high heels.

When she thinks about it now, she regrets that she didn't cherish her back then, obviously he cared so much about her.

He pays attention to the size of her feet, works part-time in his spare time, and saves money to buy gifts for her.

Thinking of the past, Xin Ying's brows showed a look of yearning and regret.

"No way, I'm born with a good memory!"

The subtext is don't let her be sentimental.

The slightly piercing voice broke her deep memories at the right time, Xin Ying smiled bitterly, restraining her untimely thoughts.

You Haoze endured and endured, so he didn't continue to sneer at her, but changed the topic: "If you are pregnant, you should rest at home and stop running around."

Hearing his slightly warm words, Xin Ying immediately responded with anger and joy, the corners of her lips raised slightly, and asked softly: "You want this child very much?"

You Haoze squinted his eyes, his eyes drifted away: "If I don't want it, will you stop giving birth?"

After a pause, he calmly and slowly spoke: "Listen, I just want to say it once, the person I love is my wife. Even if you give birth to this child, it won't change anything. It is impossible for me to divorce my wife. It is impossible to marry you because of the child. You better face reality."

(End of this chapter)

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