Chapter 350 You Haoze, You Despicable!
After a while, she tried to calm down, took a deep breath and said, "Mr. You, why did you interfere with my work? Why did you push back my film appointment?"

"Hmm." He said nasally, and asked without answering, "You know everything?"

Her eyes were bottomless like a whirlpool, she locked on him tightly, and a strange aura lingered around her.

Squinting his eyes, Lin Zitong pulled out his voice, all his anger burst out at him, and he continued to roar like a cannonball.

"You Haoze, you are despicable!"


"You are shameless!"


"You do it!"

"anything else?"

"You are insidious and cunning, and you backtrack on what you say!"

"Yes, continue."

Lin Zitong suddenly became angry, and stared at him through gritted teeth.

"Why should I listen to you?
Do you think it's over if you have the cheek to let me scold you a few words?
I trust you, is that how you pay me back?
You Haoze, if you do this, the trust between us will be exhausted! "

His eyes looked at her angry cheeks, and he just stood up for her to scold.Lin Zitong suddenly had a wonderful illusion in his heart, and he was about to fall into these dark eyes in a trance.

Seeing her calm down, You Haoze smiled all over his face: "Oh, my wife, how long will it take for your relatives to leave? If I get so angry every day, I really can't bear it."

Hearing his words, she was even more angry in her heart, and it was very hard not to show a hideous expression to him.

"You did those bastard things, I haven't settled with you yet, why did you sue the villain first?"

"Then how are you going to punish me? I'm not relieved to scold, why don't you hit me a few times? Huh?"

Her mind was in a mess, and she never thought of hitting him when she was angry.

However, with a playful smile, he really took her hand and greeted him.

Confused in her heart, she struggled and stretched out her hand to push him away.

He only heard a low--hum, and when she turned to look at him, she saw his face was cold and pale, with fine sweat protruding from the corner of his forehead.

"what happened to you?"

You Haoze forced himself to smile back: "It's okay."

Lin Zitong lowered his eyes and saw his hands covering his abdomen, and then realized that it must be a stomachache.

"You didn't eat breakfast?" As soon as the words came out, she felt that she had said something nonsense. He must have not eaten the full box of crab roe porridge.

"Yeah. I ate some for breakfast yesterday. Oh, by the way, I also ate some cold vegetables last night."

Hearing what he said, she remembered that there was such a thing.She noticed last night that he ate less, but she was angry at that time and ignored him.

But looking at his fragile appearance now, she couldn't be cruel and ignore him.

"You wait, I'll heat up the crab porridge."

Lin Zitong put the bowl of porridge into the microwave oven, waited for 3 minutes, and took it out.

She handed him the hot porridge: "Eat."

"Honey, feed me!"

Lin Zitong was really not in the mood: "Aren't you handy? Eat or not, it's up to you."

"Uh!" You Haoze pressed his stomach with his hands and let out a low cry.

Her heart softened, she took a spoonful with a spoon, and handed it to his mouth.

He didn't open his mouth, but she pursed her lips: "What's the matter?"


She put it near her mouth and blew it, then handed it over again: "Is it all right now?"

A successful smile flashed in You Haoze's black eyes, and then he opened his mouth to eat the porridge.

He had no appetite at first, but suddenly he had a big appetite, and he matched her feeding rhythm very much.

After feeding a bowl of porridge, she asked, "Do you want more?"

(End of this chapter)

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