Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 357 You remember, what else can I say?

Chapter 357 You remember, what else can I say?

You Haoze's body shook slightly, and he slowly took a deep breath: "Honey, stop talking."

"You go out."

Lin Zitong's throat was choked, and the uncomfortable feeling was like an infusion, and the coldness spread through the blood vessels.

For some reason, he who was expelled felt extremely uneasy, and hugged her from behind in fear.


Tears flowed down her cheeks, she pushed the hands in front of her, her voice trembling: "Get out!"

Tears fell on his hands, as if being scorched by sparks, they were retracted like lightning, and the shock in his heart was overwhelming.

He sighed deeply: "Okay, I'll go out now, as long as you don't cry."

Seeing him turn and leave, and then the sound of closing the door sounded, she felt sore in her heart.

Taking a deep breath and wiping away her tears, she began to pack her luggage.

When the door was opened again, You Haoze saw her carrying the packed luggage, and his left chest felt like a needle prick——pain.

He grabbed her clothes like a child, and his voice was a bit difficult: "Honey, don't leave, okay?"

"Let go..." Lin Zitong seemed to want to say something, but stopped, and she forced herself to swallow the words again.

"Honey, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"What?" She choked up, with a strong nasal voice: "I ask you, do you still remember the promise you made to me on the wedding night?"

His heart felt like a knife had been cut, and he opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

He let go of his hand dejectedly, obviously he fully remembered his promise.

'Wife, I will try my best to treat you well and never let you be wronged.In this life, I only want you. '

"You remember, what else can I say?"

For some reason, she took two steps back, Lin Zitong smiled, but it made people laugh very sadly.

He frowned and approached, reaching out to hug her.

"Don't touch me!" Subconsciously, she backed away again.

He stood there staring at her blankly, speechless in shock, unable to tell whether it was sad or distressed.

The gradually pale face became more and more haggard, and the brows were tightly knit.

The two are so close, the body is only separated by a few decimeters, but the heart is separated by thousands of mountains and thousands of rivers.

You Haoze looked at her deliberate alienation, as if erecting a wall to curl himself up inside.

He has a deep sense of powerlessness, and he is careful not to approach, and there will be no harm.

Lin Zitong's mood was so gloomy that it was as if a clean and white paper fell on it, and a thick layer of dust was tightly wrapped in the turbidity, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

"Before I was born, my father abandoned my mother and married someone else for money and power.

Since I was a child, I have been looked down upon by my classmates and laughed at by my neighbors. They all said I was a bastard.

The feeling of being abandoned was very uncomfortable, and it also cast a great shadow on my psychology.

Comparing your heart with your heart, I hope you can think carefully about your child..."

Saying these words, combined with the current situation, can not help but feel a little sad.


His eyes were red, his head was lowered, and he wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

"Let's separate for a while and think about it carefully." The sadness on Lin Zitong's face gradually disappeared, and turned calm and quiet.

He looked at her, even though she had a cold face and no trace of sadness, but he could feel the pain in her heart.

No matter how much he whitewashed the peace, it finally came to this moment.

She picked up the suitcase, turned and passed him indifferently, with a strange and indifferent expression.

Seeing Lin Zitong about to go downstairs with his luggage, his aching heart seemed to be torn open suddenly.

 small theater:

  Silu: Mr. You, are you crying?
  Mr. You: Who said I was crying?
  Silu: Didn't you cry?That's fine, I'll work harder.

  Mr. You: Come on, as long as you can torture me until I cry, I will give you a reward, vote and leave a message!

  Think Green: Good!

(End of this chapter)

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