Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 362 If Mr. You sees you like this, I will definitely be trained miserably.

Chapter 362 If Mr. You sees you like this, I will definitely be trained miserably.

Who is in the car?
Will it be him?

Lin Zitong opened the curtains, opened his eyes wide to see clearly, but saw the window of the car was lowered, and a hand stretched out from the window.

That hand is editing a message with a mobile phone.

This action is very similar to You Haoze.

Oh, I remembered, she saw this car in the underground parking lot of the villa.

In a panic, she closed the curtains again, and she found that her phone was vibrating, and there was a text message reminder on the screen.

She didn't want to watch it at first, so she was going to throw it aside, but in the end she couldn't resist her heart, so she accidentally opened it.

'Wife, come home with me? '

If she was not sure whether the person downstairs was him just now, she is almost sure now.

Lin Zitong hid behind the curtain, her heart pounding.

'Didn't I make it very clear to you?Let's separate for a while and calm down. '

'I can't calm down, I didn't sleep a wink last night...'

'Don't push me, okay? '

Looking at the edited message, she covered her heart and sent it out in a panic.

The last message he sent kept echoing in his mind, 'I can't calm down, I didn't close my eyes last night...'.

She squeezed the phone, from heart to nose.

Last night, she read the script and saw that it was almost dawn before falling asleep in a daze.

She was suffering in her heart, while torturing him, she was torturing herself even more.

After thinking and thinking, she took the key, put on her slippers and ran downstairs.

It was only one floor high, and Lin Zitong went down the stairs very quickly.

But when she ran out of the yard panting, his car had already driven away.

Looking at the empty surroundings, she squatted helplessly on the ground.

Why don't you wait for her, just 1 minute.

She didn't know how she walked back, but when she went upstairs, she picked up her phone and sent You Haoze a WeChat message.

【I hate you! 】

Without waiting for his reply, Lin Zitong blacklisted his WeChat and mobile phone numbers.

She didn't take a bath, and she lay down extremely tired.

He couldn't help thinking of the warm time with You Haoze in the past, but now he was so far away from her.

Missing and pain frantically rushed towards her like a raging tide, invading her body and submerging her will.

Like a person suffering from illness, she tried to find various ways to numb herself.

She studied the script twice as hard as usual, and only when she assumed the role, her attention could be temporarily diverted.

It's a pity that it's only temporary, whenever she puts down the script, that heart-piercing feeling will come again as promised.

That night, Lin Zitong barely closed his eyes and stayed up until dawn.

The next morning, when Su Shanshan came over, she was shocked when she saw her.

"My aunt, what did you do last night? Why such a big dark circle? You forgot, we made an appointment to take you to an audition today..."

Su Shanshan is a good manager, but he is strict with the artists under him.Obviously, seeing Lin Zitong like this, she was not only distressed, but also a little angry.

It's just that, after all, he was scruples about You Haoze, even though she was a little angry, Su Shanshan tried her best to suppress it, not daring to show her face to Lin Zitong.

As soon as the subject changed, she sighed heavily and said in a helpless tone, "If Mr. You sees you like this, I will definitely be trained badly."

Lin Zitong was silent.Alright, what did Su Shanshan ask You Haoze to do?
Besides, the dark circles under her eyes are her own business, what does it have to do with You Haoze?
(End of this chapter)

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