Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 372 I'm afraid you'll disappear as soon as I wake up.

Chapter 372 I'm afraid you'll disappear as soon as I wake up.

Lin Zitong suddenly realized that something was wrong: "Who allowed you to stay here?"

You Haoze was stunned, his voice sounded very aggrieved: "It's so late, do you have the heart to drive me away?"

Her mind had already come to her senses, and she gave him a blank look: "Didn't you drive here in an RV? Go back to your RV!"

The depressed expression on his face was swept away, and he looked at her meaningfully, as if he was amused, he burst out laughing.

Still have a face to smile?

"Asshole! You bastard!"

Annoyed and annoyed, she clenched her fists and punched him like a child.

You Haoze didn't dodge either, and let her beat her for a while, when suddenly one hand clamped her two wrists.

Turn off the lights.

Close your eyes.

Suddenly, the scene in the dream reappeared, as if cold water had been poured on it.

Between the two hearts lies an impassable chasm.

Turning on the light, You Haoze's eyes darkened.

"Honey, don't cry, it's my fault."

She looked at him with tears in her eyes: "I'm sorry, I..."

"Yes, I know."

Lin Zitong struggled for a while, then leaned in and escaped from his embrace.

You Haoze looked at his empty arms, and asked in a deep voice, "What's wrong?"

She moved in a little restlessly and irritably, and replied with a dull word: "Hot."

On a rainy day, and she was soaked in cold water for so long, her body was cold, how could she be hot?

This excuse is too vulgar.

"My wife, be good, stop making trouble. Just take pity on me. I haven't closed my eyes for many days. If you don't let me hug you, I won't be able to sleep."

She chuckled lightly, her momentum still undiminished: "You are cured, I can't spoil you!"

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid you will disappear as soon as I wake up." His eyes were clear and sad, and there was no purity of impurities on his face.

These days, she frequently appeared in his dreams, but every time she woke up, she disappeared.

With that appearance, anyone's heart would be soft in a mess.

You Haoze's mood is always hidden, he has always been fearless, suddenly hearing such sad words from his mouth, people can't bear to refuse.

"Sigh." For some reason, Lin Zitong's eyes were slightly red, she really lost to him.

You Haoze stretched out a hand to embrace her, and lowered his head as if extremely tired.

Leaning against him, listening to his steady heartbeat, and the familiar breath lingering in her nose, her tense nerves finally relaxed.

The kind of dependence that she doesn't want to let go makes her feel at ease.

It was as if only he and she were left in the world, relying on each other.

In this way, no one let go of anyone.

Knowing that he made an unforgivable mistake, she just couldn't bear to punish him.

She had never loved someone so strongly before meeting him.

After meeting him, there will never be another person who can make her so persistent and desperate.

He is absolutely unique and irreplaceable to her.

She is out of control, and has no way to live in a world without him. The only thing she can do is love him.

After a while, his heavy breathing and slight snoring sounded in his ears.

Lin Zitong couldn't help feeling depressed.

Is this guy a pig?In just a few minutes, he fell asleep?
She opened her eyes and looked at his face.

That handsome face was covered with a layer of deep melancholy, and there was a deep sadness between his brows.

Although he was asleep, his brows and eyes were still tightly locked, as if he was in deep distress.

(End of this chapter)

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