Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 38 You Haoze is really unreasonable!

Chapter 38 You Haoze is really unreasonable!
"Open the car door!" Lin Zitong suddenly growled.

You Haoze was slightly surprised, looking at her in a daze for a moment.

"Let me get out of the car!" Lin Zitong growled again.

"What's the matter? You have to listen to the truth. I told the truth, but you got angry again. How can I tell you the truth in the future?"

"According to what you say, I still have to calm down and accept your fooling?" Lin Zitong asked back with a smile on his face: "You make me play around like this, doesn't it feel very fulfilling?"

As soon as the words fell, the next second, her shoulder was held tightly by him.He leaned over and kissed her hard.

Congested roads have been unblocked after dredging.The green light was on at the intersection ahead, and the car owners behind kept honking their horns.

The slightly comforting kiss was frantic and exciting, and the two gasped for breath after being forced to stop.

You Haoze looked down at her with the tip of his nose down, gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "Hey, stop making trouble."

This sentence calmed down Lin Zitong's irritable mood a little.

The car started, and You Haoze drove the car, turning his head sideways from time to time, and glanced at her.

Considering that he was driving, Lin Zitong sensibly stopped making trouble.However, the anger in her heart has not really disappeared.

You Haoze is really unreasonable!
Heh, I played tricks on her, without even a sincere apology, and acted like it was a matter of course.Is there anyone more rascal than You Haoze in the world?

The dinner was held at the Imperial Capital International Hotel. When You Haoze drove there, many famous cars had already parked in the hotel's parking lot.

After the car stopped, You Haoze got out of the car, went around to the other side of the car, and opened the door.With a flattering smile on his face, he extended his hand to Lin Zitong very gentlemanly.

Unexpectedly, Lin Zitong completely ignored him, and got out of the car with a blank expression on his face.

You Haoze's smile froze slightly, he rubbed his hands together in embarrassment, and turned to close the door.

Lin Zitong held a breath in his chest, unwilling to talk to him, got out of the car, and walked towards the hotel lobby without looking back.

She took only a few steps when she was grabbed by You Haoze.

He took her hand and pretended to be wronged: "Honey, can you stop making trouble?"

Lin Zitong glanced at him nonchalantly, his eyes full of sarcasm: "Mr. You, I'm afraid you have misunderstood the word 'bao'."

You Haoze, you played tricks on me, do you still want me to flatter you?Even clay figurines have three elements of soil nature!

You Haoze didn't care about Lin Zitong's staring eyes at all, his dark eyes rolled around, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "What? Are you trying to teach by example?"

If she wanted to make trouble, she wouldn't come here with him.This bastard, he was so unscrupulous because he was sure she wouldn't really embarrass him!

Lin Zitong was frustrated, why did he eat him to death?She frowned, pursed her lips, and took a deep breath, as if suppressing her emotions.

Seeing Lin Zitong's face getting more and more gloomy, You Haoze restrained his smile consciously, and coughed twice: "If you are dissatisfied with me, let's talk about it when we go home, okay?"

Seeing You Haoze made a concession, Lin Zitong's expression softened a little, he raised his chin lightly, and said word by word: "Mr. You, how are you going to introduce me at the dinner?"

Hearing this, You Haoze's expression changed rapidly, ranging from surprise, to bewilderment, to bewilderment.

Finally, he smiled: "Is there any need for my introduction? Is there anyone who doesn't recognize your star face?"

(End of this chapter)

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