Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 385 My Zitong is beautiful, so beautiful.

Chapter 385 My Zitong is beautiful, so beautiful.

For a moment, the photographer stood there in a daze, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

It's really against harmony to say this from Zhong Shaoqing's mouth!He has always been cold and reserved, when will he joke like this?
He suddenly felt that Zhong Shaoqing, the actor, was not as lonely and difficult to get along with as he appeared on the surface.

Soon, he came back to his senses: "Young Master Zhong's acting skills are recognized as good, so I don't need to praise him."

Lin Zitong curled her lips, could it be that her acting skills are not good enough?
"Okay, you guys can come over and take a look at what was just shot."

The photographer smiled contentedly, and praised the pictorials: "These pictorials are art."

Zhong Shaoqing was completely fascinated looking at the finished picture, and was intoxicated with himself: "My Zitong is beautiful, so beautiful."

"My Zitong..." The corners of Lin Zitong's mouth twitched. How did she become his family? When did she become so familiar with Zhong Shaoqing?
However, she in that picture is indeed beautiful, full of the feeling of a model, and she is also that kind of ruthless model.In the pictorials that were taken, she hardly smiled, but in several pictorials, Zhong Shaoqing had a bright smile on her face, the kind that came from the heart.

It is this kind of propaganda pictorial that has the most shocking power, completely subverting the usual images of Zhong Shaoqing and Lin Zitong.

The photographer was actively shooting, and asked politely: "Two big stars, do you want some snacks? If not, we will continue to shoot for the next scene."

Just as Zhong Shaoqing was about to say yes, she was slow to speak, and was preempted by Lin Zitong.

"Director Mo, keep shooting."

Now, she hates any communication with Zhong Shaoqing other than work, so she hastened to finish filming this poster.At the same time, she is also worried that once she stops halfway, it will be difficult for her to enter the state after restarting.

Shooting of the next set of scenes begins.

Lin Zitong and Zhong Shaoqing not only have good looks and better acting skills, but also have strong expressiveness. Any snapshot is full of beauty.

In the next shooting, the two gradually became better, and as the shooting time passed, the two became more and more in tune.

The photographer was very handy in taking pictures, and couldn't help but suggest: "Now change the pose--pose, forehead KISS."

Lin Zitong protested: "No."

The words of refusal were almost blurted out, and she didn't understand why she reacted so strongly.In fact, both the cameraman and the program crew knew that the two of them were not a real couple, and they agreed not to kiss at the beginning.

So her refusal wasn't too rude.

"Then change the posture—position, fingers clasped together."

The body froze again. From Lin Zitong's point of view, such an intimate and caring gesture is something only a real couple would do. How could she and Zhong Shaoqing do it?
Although the situation is a little better than kissing, it still makes her very embarrassed.

She really can't let go.

Before she could say the words of refusal, her hand was firmly held by Zhong Shaoqing.

The joints of the white and slender fingers are clearly visible, and the blue blood vessels hidden under them can be clearly seen, slowly passing through the gaps between the fingers, and entangled with hers.

While Lin Zitong was in a daze, the photographer had already snapped a few photos.

"Zi Tong, look in the eyes of a woman who is in love. Young Master Zhong just smile, that's all. Relax, let the hands of the two of you be more natural..."

Anyone who has photographed Zhong Shaoqing knows that he rarely smiles, and this request is a bit difficult for him.

Some netizens once joked that Zhong Shaoqing was so cold that he could kill with his face, and when he was expressionless, he was so cool that he exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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