Chapter 411 I didn't want to divorce.

What a duplicity man.

Can she still trust him in the future?
Do they have a future?
Objectively speaking, his behavior is understandable, and he has to deal with it when something happens.He has to try his best to make up for it and take the responsibility he deserves.

However, I don't know why Lin Zitong felt his heart hurt so much?

He was irresponsible and she was very disappointed, why was he even more disappointed when he was responsible?

Because he was responsible to another woman, he betrayed her.

After all, she is just an ordinary woman, she can't pretend to be a virgin, and she can't open her eyes and close her eyes.

How broad-minded does it take to forgive?
She can't understand!
The lips hooked into a smile, with an obvious self-deprecating arc.

Seeing the long silence on the other end of the phone, Rong Jing sighed softly: "Zi Tong, cry if you want to, don't hold back. It's not worth hurting your body for such a scumbag."

The heart shrank suddenly, and the negative emotions that had been suppressed by all means swept over again, surging up and down, and I couldn't control it no matter what.

Lin Zitong's voice was choked with sobs: "Quiet, don't mention him."

"Okay, don't mention it if you don't mention it. But, Zitong, you have to plan for yourself, such as cars, houses and property..."

Nerves that had been tense for many days were crushed by Rong Jing's kind reminder, and finally, she burst into tears.

What she wanted was You Haoze. If he wasn't there, what would she want those properties for?
Lin Zitong squeezed the phone tightly, crying uncontrollably: "I don't want to get a divorce."

Rong Jing sighed: "You love him, but you can bear him..."

Lin Zitong was speechless: "Stop talking... Quiet, I beg you to stop talking..."

"Zi Tong..."

After calming down, Lin Zitong held back her tears and said in a low voice, "Jing Jing, I'm fine, don't worry about me. Nothing is too hard to overcome, and the sun will rise as usual tomorrow."

Rong Jing breathed a sigh of relief, with a bit of lightness: "Well, it's late, go to bed early, it will be a new day when you wake up tomorrow."

"Good night."

"Good night."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Zitong felt a little sad and a little irritable, and pulled up the quilt to cover his head.

I turned over and didn't want to think about the troublesome things, but I couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning.

The matter between You Haoze and Xin Ying was like a nightmare, and the scene from the dream resurfaced again.

That picture is so inconsistent that it makes people feel dazzling!

You Haoze, this scumbag, sucks!
She felt a little suffocated by an invisible rope.

My heart suddenly felt a little sad, my mind was no longer clear, and I was groggy.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

Looking at the phone screen, it was almost three in the morning, who would knock on the door at this time?

Could it be that I had hallucinations?

Lin Zitong's heart was beating non-stop.

He pricked up his ears and listened carefully. The doorbell sounded real and was still ringing.

She turned on the light and sat up a little uneasily.

Listening to the sound, she kept her eyes fixed on the door, and felt the hairs all over her body stand on end.

After a while, the doorbell was still ringing, and there seemed to be no intention of stopping.

She took a deep breath, put on some clothes, got up bravely and walked to the door, and looked through the peephole on the door.

You Haoze!
How could it be him?
Lin Zitong shook his head, suspecting that he missed him so much that he had hallucinations.

How could You Haoze come here in the middle of the night?

(End of this chapter)

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