Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 422 Wife, why do people say that the sea is boundless even though they are standing by the s

Chapter 422 Wife, why do people say that the sea is boundless even though they are standing by the sea?

"Buildings on the island are generally painted white and blue because of concerns about the sun."

Lin Zitong was stunned for a moment, he really didn't expect You Haoze to be so knowledgeable, like an encyclopedia, he could answer almost any question asked.

It happened to be a coincidence that a couple of newlyweds held their wedding ceremony under the wreath shed built outside the church.

Witnessed by the priest and relatives and friends, the bride and groom exchange rings with each other.

The wedding is very simple, but it can be seen that the smiles of the bride and groom are filled with happiness.

"Honey, let's get married."

"Married? We're not married."

"I'm talking about a wedding. I still owe you a wedding. Wife, after we go back, can we hold a grand wedding?"

What You Haoze wants to do most now is to personally put a wedding ring on her under the witness of the world.

Then tell the whole world that this woman is his!

His proposal came so suddenly that Lin Zitong was stunned for a moment.

Why did he suddenly have the idea of ​​holding a wedding?
Did he want to return the slap Zhong Shaoqing slapped him on the face?
Lin Zitong was in a trance, and You Haoze's kiss was imprinted.

Be aboveboard and have no scruples.

"If you don't object, I'll take it as your consent."

"talk later."

Those three simple words dealt a heavy blow to You Haoze, his black eyes became dark and unpredictable, and he was speechless.

Seeing the relaxed smile on the corners of You Haoze's lips gradually froze, the dark eyes gradually deepened, and the clouds and haze covered his handsome face, Lin Zitong had no choice but to change his words.

"Give me some time and let me think about it."

Hearing this, You Haoze suddenly turned back into anger, and said with a smile: "Okay. I have been waiting for so many years, and I don't care about waiting a few more days."

With that look and tone, she was sure she would agree.

If Xin Ying hadn't been standing between the two of them, maybe she would readily agree now.

She found that she really couldn't leave him, even if he did such a thing, she didn't want to divorce.

But no if.

On the way back to the hotel from the blue-roofed church, it happened to catch up with the most beautiful moment of the day in Torricini.


The sea level was shrouded in a circle of orange-yellow glow, and the whole island was covered with a thin layer of golden halo.

Little by little the sun sank from the horizon.

The moment the sun sets, time seems to freeze, the sun slowly disappears into the horizon, and the surroundings become peaceful and serene.

You Haoze and Lin Zitong walked along the seaside path.

The crystal clear sea beats against the long coastline, and the surrounding area is full of romance.

Looking at the endless sea in front of him, he suddenly sighed: "My wife, why do people say that the sea is boundless when they are standing by the sea?"

Knowing why he asked such a question, Lin Zitong opened his mouth, speechless.

The ancients couldn't understand it, so they used boundless to describe the sea, but modern people can't see the other side of the sea, so they also say that the sea is boundless.

In fact, just ignore the fact that it is standing by the sea itself.

Everyone hopes to get better and better, but they ignore the beautiful life in front of them.

Just like her state of mind, even though You Haoze was by his side, she felt that they were far away.

She knew he had been working hard, trying to mend the rift between them.

However, how can the gap between the two be completely eliminated?

She really wanted to let go of the grievances in her heart and live a good life with him, but she couldn't get past that hurdle in her heart.

So conflicted.

Maybe after a long time, can she let it go slowly?


 small theater:

  In the kindergarten, Xiao Zitong beat the male classmate to tears.

  Teacher: Call your father to come to school tomorrow!
  Xiao Zitong: Teacher, don't call my father!I can beat him alone!
  You Haoze: As expected of my own daughter!
  Lin Zitong: Is there anyone who dotes on your daughter so much?

(End of this chapter)

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