Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 43 is that the actor made a joke with me, please don't take it seriously.

Chapter 43 is that the actor made a joke with me, please don't take it seriously.

The two bodyguards and the agent also chased after him.

There was a commotion among the fans, and there was a lot of discussion.

Zhong Shaoqing, you are sick!

Lin Zitong stood there at a loss for a while, feeling countless eyes falling on her, and all kinds of flames were burning in those eyes, including envy, jealousy, and even hatred...

Almost everyone present saw the scene where Zhong Shaoqing leaned over to hug/kiss her and whisper in her ear.

She was stared like a thorn on her back by those eyes, and suddenly felt that she had done something wrong, and she became uneasy.

Soon, fans gathered around her.

As soon as Zhong Shaoqing left, all the blame was thrown on her alone, and various speculations and problems emerged endlessly.

It happened so suddenly that she didn't know how to explain it to fans.

Fortunately, the bodyguards and manager stopped him just now, so the fans couldn't take pictures, otherwise the scene would be posted on the Internet, would it be okay?

Almost at a loss for a moment, the instinct trained over the years of acting career saved her.

She strongly suppressed the panic in her heart, and smiled with the corners of her lips: "I'm sorry, today's incident was a joke made by the actor, please don't take it seriously."

Such an answer was somewhat beyond the expectations of the fans, but it seemed reasonable.

Zhong Shaoqing was indifferent and arrogant. He kissed her and turned around to leave. Although it looked very ambiguous, it made the fans confused. Naturally, they couldn't be sure that the two had an affair.

Of course, speculation is inevitable.

Some fans asked Lin Zitong straightforwardly: "Are you two in a relationship?"

Before the host could reply, other fans rushed to answer: "Sure, Zhong Shaoqing seems to like Lin Zitong very much."

I have never seen Zhong Shaoqing get close to any actress. It should be the first time he has shown such an intimate behavior in public.

Lin Zitong was hit by something again, and stood there speechless.The question in her mind continued to magnify, why did Zhong Shaoqing do this?
She really doesn't understand what Zhong Shaoqing is doing. If she is used to hype her, he doesn't need it at all with his reputation.

"How is it possible? Zhong Shaoqing and I are just partners, and we have no contact in private. What kind of relationship are we talking about?"

There is nothing between them, explain this oolong, everyone will believe it or not.

However, fans obviously don't believe her explanation very much. In contrast, they are more willing to believe what they see with their own eyes.

All kinds of pressing questions came flooding in, Lin Zitong firmly insisted that this was just an embarrassing misunderstanding, and tried his best to evade it.

At this moment, her cell phone rang again, seeing that it was You Haoze calling, she immediately picked it up as if seeing a savior.

After connecting the phone, You Haoze heard the extremely noisy voice on the other end of the phone, and asked with some concern: "Wife, where are you? Why are you so noisy?"

"I'm in the lobby on the first floor, where are you?" Lin Zitong deliberately lowered his voice and said, "If you don't show up again, I'm going back."

"I have something to do right now, so I can't leave for the time being." A premonition came to Hao Ze's mind. Could it be that she is being entangled by fans?

"You wait there, I'll let Jin Yan pick you up, okay?"

"Okay!" Lin Zitong replied briefly, and hung up the phone hastily.

You Haoze's work efficiency is quite high, not long after she hung up the phone, she saw Jin Yan squeezed in from the circle of fans.

"Everyone, give way."

Jin Yan was wearing a professional dress with the work card of You Group on her chest, and her words were very convincing.

(End of this chapter)

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