Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 432 I don't usually see him caring about money, right?

Chapter 432 I don't usually see him caring about money, right?

Seeing that she was unmoved, You Haoze rolled his black eyes and changed his mind.

"Hotels with independent hot springs are really expensive. If you don't take a bath, wouldn't the money you spend be wasted?"

I go!

This guy said it!

You don't usually see him caring about money, do you?

However, his last sentence did hit the point, it would be a waste of money not to.

You Haoze is too good at persuading people, and Lin Zitong was moved by this.

"Then let's go together."

"Let's go."

He embraced her with a smile and walked towards the independent hot spring pool.

Although she was mentally prepared, she would get dizzy whenever she thought of the scene that would appear later.

Follow him to the hot spring pool like driving a duck to the shelves.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.I muttered silently in my heart, it's not that the two of them have soaked in the hot spring together, they are fine.

As a result, as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw You Haoze taking off his clothes slowly, one after another.Then, step into the hot spring pool generously.

The warm water gradually submerged his ankles, knees...

Sensing her gaze, You Haoze raised his eyebrows, a smile that was not a smile.

"Why don't you come down? Wife, do you want me to help you?"

"no, I'm fine."

Although this is an independent hot spring pool equipped in the hotel room, no one will disturb the two of them taking a bath together, but in this case, she still feels awkward taking a bath with him.

She always felt that she couldn't accept the two of them seeing each other sincerely.

Taking a deep breath, she calmed down and began to remove her clothes. Her hands were shaking and her movements were awkward, and she managed to get one off.

You Haoze's pitch-black eyes stared at her movements without blinking, and there was a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

Feeling extremely uncomfortable being watched, Lin Zitong gritted his teeth and quickly jumped into the water, instantly splashing big waves.

As if he had been frightened, he fell into the water, and the surrounding water waves jumped up.

You Haoze stared at her with interest, saw her hiding in the water with the clothes on her body, and asked deliberately.

"The way you remove your clothes is very special. You go into the water first?"

Lin Zitong's whole body was buried in the water, only his head was exposed. "Anyway, it will get dirty when washing clothes. I just let the clothes get wet in advance."

"Oh, that's it." You Haoze made a sudden realization expression, and slowly approached her.

No matter how slow he was, he understood what he meant.

With a jolt, she opened her eyes wide, with three points of panic and seven points of defense at the bottom of her eyes, facing him through the mist of the hot spring.

"You're wearing a pair of trousers anyway."

But he smiled at her shamelessly: "It's not like I haven't seen it before, why are you shy?"

I cursed in my heart, how shameless!
Her first reaction was to reach out to push him, but just as she stretched out her hand, he grabbed it.

She struggled angrily, as if she was about to leave the hot spring pool, but her feet slipped and she almost fell into the water.

Fortunately, he has quick eyesight and quick hands, and he supported her.

In an instant, Lin Zitong's whole body fell into his arms.

She took a deep breath, all her rationality rushed into her mind, and she struggled impatiently twice: "You said you wouldn't force me."

"Honey, I know what you mind. I won't go in, so don't be afraid, okay? Huh?"

You Haoze pushed the person into his arms little by little, as if blocking her escape route, only allowing her to get closer and closer to him.


"Like it?"

Breathing suddenly stagnant, she nodded slightly: "Yeah."

The voice was as thin as a mosquito, but no matter what, it finally blew away the dark clouds in his heart.

"nice! You love it."

They stayed on the island for nearly ten days and visited several towns.

Eat, drink and have fun every day.

Immerse yourself in the joy and happiness that belong to the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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