Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 458 Zitong, don't you think it's strange to wear a necklace in a costume scene?

Chapter 458 Zitong, don't you think it's strange to wear a necklace in a costume scene?

Stir-fried lotus root slices, stir-fried pork, boiled fish slices, cold cucumber, pork ribs and stewed yam.

He bought these dishes specially for her, right?It's all her favorite food...

She seemed to understand everything, but she didn't seem to understand why this happened, and she didn't care about the things that were overt and hidden.

Zhong Shaoqing took a pair of chopsticks, sat next to Lin Zitong, and started eating with a boxed meal.

Su Shanshan couldn't help joking: "Hey, Mr. Zhong, you are not losing weight, are you?"

She put a slice of cucumber into her mouth and sighed, "These dishes are too vegetarian."

"These are specially brought for Zi Tong, she always likes light food. Next time I will bring you some meat dishes."

He was too straightforward!Lin Zitong froze all over, silently lowered his head and continued cooking.

Someone made a fuss on purpose: "Ah, didn't Young Master Zhong bring it for us?"

"Cough, cough, cough."

Suddenly, when Zhong Shaoqing noticed other people's food, he was stunned for a moment, his voice was a little stagnant.

"Oh, I didn't know crew food got so good."

If he had seen such a rich box lunch for the crew earlier, he wouldn't have to tell his assistant to run a few miles to buy a box lunch.

A group of people were laughing and joking, but suddenly the oppressive and serious atmosphere made them silent involuntarily.

So, everyone dispersed quietly.

Even Su Shanshan withdrew.

When Lin Zitong got up, he was surprised to find Zhong Shaoqing staring at her wrist.

I panicked, is it because she didn't wear that bracelet?But she soon calmed down, and was planning to return the bracelet to him.

The jealousy in Zhong Shaoqing's eyes flashed away, and he teased in a relaxed tone: "Zi Tong, don't you think it's strange to wear a necklace in a costume play?"

She knew what he meant by asking, why he took off the bracelet while wearing the necklace.

He was just euphemistically asking her where the bracelet went.

Lin Zitong didn't shy away from it, and replied bluntly: "The necklace was given by Mr. You, and he hoped that I would wear it all the time."

The man's eyes dimmed slightly as he stared at her.

As if thinking of something, her words suddenly turned a corner: "I don't want to wear that bracelet, so I gave it away."

In fact, she said this on purpose to test his attitude.You Haoze said that the bracelet belonged to Zhong Shaoqing's mother, if it was true, Zhong Shaoqing should be very concerned.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, a trace of astonishment flashed in his eyes, and he asked subconsciously, "Who did you give it to?"

She pursed her lips, and although she was a little guilty, she still said confidently: "What's the matter, the sponsor of the program group gave it to me, and I can't dispose of it freely?"

"That's not true." Looking down at her, Zhong Shaoqing's brows and eyes stretched a little softly: "It's just such a commemorative thing, how can you just give it away?"

The movie king is the movie king, his expression and demeanor are flawless, his heart is clearly as anxious as sparks, but his tone can't hear any ups and downs of emotion.

In order to cut off those budding and unrealistic thoughts, she really didn't spare any sympathy.

"The significance of the commemoration depends on the person. Originally, the two of us were just acting, but it wasn't real. I'm already married, and this can't change the fact."

Zhong Shaoqing's calm expression, which he worked so hard to maintain, finally loosened a bit, and his thin lips were pursed tightly, without refuting.

After a while, he gave a wry smile. What is fake is fake, and it can never be true.The person caught in it has always been himself.

"Zi Tong."

When the two were silent, a familiar male voice broke the deadlock.

(End of this chapter)

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