Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 466 Mr. You personally drove us out, and he even praised me for my good acting skills.

Chapter 466 Mr. You personally drove us out, and he even praised me for my good acting skills.

Lin Zitong felt that something was wrong?When she was in the dressing room that day, she clearly saw Zhuzhu and Sun Yuewen walking so close.

Why would Sun Yuewen refuse to share a room with Zhuzhu?

However, Sun Yuewen did have the qualifications to refuse, because of her fame and status, she is not something that some low-level actors can get close to at will.

In fact, she could also do what Sun Yuewen did, but she didn't.

As Su Shanshan said, she had the right to refuse, but she didn't want to embarrass others.

Looking back at the reality, what if she has an opinion?People have already moved in, so can she still kick them out?

"Okay, you can stay here. If you have any questions about the characters or plot in the play, you can ask me."

Hearing what she said, Zhuzhu felt slighted, and pouted her lips in disbelief.

"Do you think my acting skills are bad? I think my acting skills are not bad. Once I get into a role, I always act very devotedly.

That night, Mr. Geng and I were in the guest room of your villa, and we tricked you over.

In fact, I just pretended to call a few times, the two of us didn't really do anything in the room, that's why Mr. Geng was so calm. "

Speaking of the villa, Lin Zitong felt uncomfortable.It felt like a scar had been uncovered.

At first, she felt that You Haoze had no confidence in her, so she deliberately made this play to attract her attention and make her pay attention to him.

However, she now understands that the reason why You Haoze did this was to test her reaction.It was he who cheated, so test her reaction first, so as to make countermeasures.To put it bluntly, it was to give her a vaccination, so as not to reveal that she couldn't accept the fact.

It's a pity that she has been led by the nose by him, and after such an incident, she still swallowed her anger.

Zhuzhu stared at her annoyed expression with great interest, and chuckled lightly: "Oh, you don't even know, Mr. You drove us out personally, and he even praised me for my good acting skills. He also said that luckily Mr. Geng found me It’s a professional actor like me, otherwise it would be a mess in no time.”

Lin Zitong frowned beautifully, consciously changed the subject, and asked in a muffled voice, "Are you familiar with Boss Geng?"

"Yeah, he invested some money in this movie, and he introduced me to the crew."

Geng Junchen must have the right to speak for investing money in filming dramas, not to mention Zhuzhu playing a supporting role, even playing the second and third females is fine.The doubts that had been in her mind just now were resolved, and Zhuzhu was able to get along in the crew only by relying on Geng Junchen's momentum.

Heh, Geng Junchen has been looking at her unhappy, maybe he is looking for Zhuzhu to punish her?Otherwise, why did you arrange for Zhuzhu to share a room with her?

Thoughts were flying in her mind, and she recalled the few times she saw Zhuzhu.

That time in the Capital of Geshang, it was Zhuzhu who came to look for her in the box by herself, saying that Geng Junchen and You Haoze were talking in the next box.Zhuzhu also asked her to dance, but while dancing, Zhuzhu disappeared.

As a result, she was swindled by Jiang Beikang and almost taken away by his subordinates.If You Haoze hadn't appeared in time, the consequences would have been disastrous.

Thinking about it now, Zhuzhu asked her to dance, maybe it was premeditated, right?

Besides, in the dressing room that day, Zhuzhu deliberately squeezed her out to please Sun Yuewen, she couldn't see it.

Before that, she and Zhuzhu had never had any grudges. If she hadn't been instigated by someone with a heart, she couldn't understand why Zhuzhu would do this?
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 small theater:

  Silu: Please each give an example to describe someone's fatness.

  Jin Yan: Someone passed by my window, I thought it was dark.

  Xin Ying: Everyone is queuing up to weigh themselves. When someone just stands up, the electronic scale beeps. Come one by one, not two people at a time.

  Zhong Shaoqing: When walking with someone, I always feel that the road is a bit narrow.

  You Xinyi: Someone wearing stockings really shows the quality of stockings.

  Li Xinyou: Someone fainted on the side of the road, the ambulance arrived in time, and I heard the nurse shout: "1! 2! 3! Let's go!"

  Sun Yuewen: A certain person's looks are hard to tell at a glance.

  Qi Yuxuan: Someone must have been beautiful in the Tang Dynasty.

  Rong Jing: Someone is taller than me when lying down.

  Xiao Zifeng: A certain person may not be able to play a seesaw in this life.

  Lin Zitong: Watching someone ride an elephant that day, I vaguely saw the elephant's legs go limp.

  You Haoze: That day I saw a child fall into the swimming pool and almost drowned. Fortunately, someone came out of the swimming pool.

  Silu Comments: You are all talents!
(End of this chapter)

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