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Chapter 5 You Haoze, I'm counting on you!

Chapter 5 You Haoze, I'm counting on you!
With a beep, the remaining water in the bottle was poured on the man's head.

The icy water poured on his body suddenly, and the man was so cold that he shivered and screamed: "You Haoze, you are crazy!"

"Is it you guys who are crazy?" You Haoze held up the upside-down vase, his gaze caught sight of the bed under the two of them, and he was even more disgusted: "You are so disgusting to my wife."

Geng Junchen stared at You Haoze silently, as if he didn't know him anymore.

"Hurry up and put on your clothes!"

An angry voice came, and You Haoze's low roar woke up the two people who were dazed by the splashing water, and began to get dressed in a hurry.

After a while, the two finished dressing.

"Get out!" You Haoze pointed his finger at the door, his eyes turned to the two of them, and there was undisguised anger in his eyes: "You two get out of here!"

The night was already deep, and there was silence all around, and the shadows of the trees outside the window were dancing, laughing ferociously like ghosts.

The man pulled the woman and walked out aggrieved.

I have seen people who value sex over friends, but I have never seen such people who value sex over friends!

When he walked to the door, the man threw down a sentence: "You Haoze, you're ruthless!"

Lin Zitong stared at You Haoze doing all this with a dumbfounded expression, feeling infinitely warm in his heart.The two of them did this vigorously in other people's houses, and were smashed by the homeowner, and they didn't feel ashamed at all. They really should be taught a lesson.

Forgive her unkind smile.

You Haoze walked up to Lin Zitong, hugged her in his arms and said, "Just smile."

Lin Zitong went back to the bedroom alone, while You Haoze insisted on staying to deal with the mess in the guest room.

In fact, as long as he gave an order, let the servant do it, but he had to watch on the spot to be at ease.It's no secret that he's a clean freak.

He directed the servants to clean the guest room inside and out with disinfectant, and threw away all the bedding and replaced them with new ones.

Lin Zitong came out wrapped in a bathrobe after taking a shower, and was going to sleep after her hair was almost dry, so she didn't blow dry her hair.

She sat on the bed, and when she turned on the TV, it happened to be a variety channel.

There are popular stars here, hot reports here, frontier searches here, and your entertainment feast is here - "Entertainment World".

"Marry Love" held a wrap-up celebration in Yunshan today, 'National God' Zhong Shaoqing and third-tier actress Lin Zitong toasted and drank.

This play is starring Zhong Shaoqing, Sun Yuewen, Qi Yuxuan, Lin Zitong and others, bringing together a large number of powerful actors.The play tells the story of a group president who is famous in the workplace, but the love scene is very rough.

The popular actor Zhong Shaoqing has debuted for many years and is a legendary figure in the entertainment industry. Every film and television work in which he starred has become popular all over the country.In the play, he played the male lead, the domineering black-bellied and aloof president, and he acted in his true colors, and he was very comfortable with the role.

It is worth mentioning that the actress Lin Zitong, who played the villain role in the play, graduated from Shengguang Cinema and has appeared in many TV series. Her acting skills are in place, but she has been tepid.In this play, she plays the role of the white lotus in the heart of the president, who loves the president deeply. In order to separate the president and the heroine, she gradually becomes black, tries her best to frame the heroine, and is finally punished by law.

It is reported that the role in the play is a great challenge for Lin Zitong. She has always played a positive image, and it is the first time that she plays the mistress that everyone hates.In order to play this role well, she studied the script repeatedly and almost broke the script.

Dedicating herself wholeheartedly, she interpreted Xiaosan's love-hate entanglement very realistically, making people love and hate at the same time.


Lin Zitong stared at the TV screen intently, the corners of his mouth curled up, he didn't even notice that You Haoze entered the room.

(End of this chapter)

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