Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 501 Never Expected He Would Admit It So Quickly!

Chapter 501 Never Expected He Would Admit It So Quickly!

The two of them were still having a cold war two days ago, why did he forget everything so quickly?

So humble and flattering, where's his face?
Lin Zitong snorted lightly, pushed him away, and sat across from him.

"Mr. You, you seem to be in a good mood today?"

"of course."

I remember that two days ago, his driver told her that he was very tired recently and often forgot to sleep and eat.But at the moment, he looks in good condition, with a cheerful look.

Her expression was gloomy and gloomy, and her voice was slightly cold: "Is there any happy event?"

"Hehe, I saw Zhong Shaoqing's announcement. He finally bowed his head and surrendered."

"Admit defeat?" Lin Zitong's eyes were undisguisedly complicated, as if he was pondering his words.

"Honey, I know your heart is always toward me." He said with a bit of relief in his brows, "Thanks to his sense, otherwise I would have made him notorious."

She seemed extremely reluctant to mention Zhong Shaoqing, so she wanted to change the subject and couldn't help but ask him.

"You are taking over Tianbao Entertainment now, right?"

He smiled, a little casually: "Yes."

"I'm filming this show, did you know in advance?"

His answer was affirmative: "Well, I know."

Never expected that he would admit it so readily!

What's hateful is that he was so frank and openly admitted that he wasn't afraid of her knowing at all, and didn't care whether she would be angry or not.

Besides, he didn't seem surprised at all that she knew about it.

It was really hit by Zhong Shaoqing. Between her and Tianbao Entertainment, he chose the latter without hesitation.

Subconsciously, she didn't want to believe it, but she had to recognize the reality.

I can't help wondering in my heart, is it because I look like Xin Ying that he is regarded as Xin Ying's substitute?

A fleeting trace of sadness flashed across Lin Zitong's eyes, she gritted her teeth with hatred in her heart, but on the surface she pretended to be relaxed.

She tried her best to pull out a smile, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

Seeing this, a trace of doubt flashed across You Haoze's black eyes, feeling a little strange: "Aren't you angry?"

With beautiful eyes shining, she smiled sweetly at him: "Why should I be angry? If you do this, you must have your own thoughts. Besides, I think the more money you make, the better. Anyway, I have half of my property after marriage. "

Although she said these words with a smile, which seemed gentle and harmless, he could hear something strange from them.

Properly mention what property...

You Haoze's handsome face changed slightly, and he accepted her words: "Don't worry, all the property belongs to you, and I also belong to you."

This fellow is really saying one thing and doing another.

He said it nicely, but who knows what he thinks in his heart?

For Tianbao entertainment, he sold her.

Lin Zitong felt an unknown fire in his heart, his smile faltered, and his eyes became sharp and menacing: "Did you find the female reporter who appeared on the day of the press conference?"

Although her tone was cold and calm, the hidden question was extremely clear.

Hearing her question, You Haoze's handsome face showed a hint of joy, and a smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

He didn't answer directly, but asked her gently: "You think it's me?"

Knowing that he was acting, her eyes stayed on his face: "Isn't it? That female reporter told me herself."

Hei Mou stared at her for a while, and a narrow smile flashed across his eyes: "If I say no, do you believe her or me?"

Neither admitting nor denying the facts.

Whether it was true or not, she couldn't tell the difference, and couldn't help feeling depressed.

"Are you still worthy of my trust? You..."

(End of this chapter)

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