Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 509 There is a little 3 who can't get on the stage around, dare to show off so much in

Chapter 509 There is a mistress who can't get on the stage, how dare she show off her power in front of her?
The two found a secluded corner in the small teahouse and sat down on their seats.

"How do you know that Aze doesn't love me? He even accompanied me to the hospital for a prenatal checkup a few days ago and treated me well.

He has to take care of me and the children on the one hand, and run the company on the other, which is really hard work. "

Xin Ying said, as if she was afraid that she would not believe it, and took out a photo from her bag as proof.

The background of that photo was a hospital. Looking at the man and woman in the photo, Lin Zitong's eyes dimmed for a moment, and when he looked up again, it was clear and clear.

"I know about it. He has reported it to me. Don't think too much about it. He just cares about the children."

What Lin Zitong said was the truth, when You Haoze went to the hotel to find her, they quarreled about this matter.

You Haoze's explanation for this was that in order to provoke her to beat him up, so as to release her dissatisfaction.

Seeing the tricks, she still didn't want to go too far, she didn't tell Xin Ying the truth.

"Hehe, he loves children very much, so for the sake of the children, he must be good to the mother."

Lin Zitong felt as if a bucket of cold water had been poured on him when he heard the provocative words, and shivered.

As Xin Ying said, she rolled up her sleeve, revealing a jade bracelet.

"Look, he specially gave me this a while ago, saying that jadeite has spirituality, and women will have good luck wearing it. The bracelet is for protection, which means that he will protect me."

That bracelet looked familiar, Lin Zitong recognized it quickly, it was the one given to her by Zhong Shaoqing.

This You Haoze is really messing around, full of lies.

He clearly said he would return it to Zhong Shaoqing, but he didn't expect him to give the bracelet to Xin Ying on his own initiative.

What is Xin Ying showing off?
Lin Zitong suppressed the irritability in his heart, looked up at her, with a slight smile on his lips.

"Well, he also bought a bracelet for me before, but I didn't want it, and it broke in front of him. He was so sad that his heart was about to break."

The subtext is that what she doesn't want, Xin Ying actually becomes a treasure.

If the other party is not stupid, they will definitely be able to understand the deep meaning of the words.

"Lin Zitong, I'm not afraid of your jokes, I want what you don't want!"

Suddenly I heard Xin Ying chuckle, and changed the topic: "Hehe, you are still not convinced if you say you don't know the goods! This bracelet is priceless at first glance, which shows how much he attaches importance to me."

Lin Zitong was amused for a while, and his temper gradually increased.

On the left and right is a mistress who can't get on the stage, how dare she show off her power in front of her?
If Xin Ying doesn't give her a blow, she really won't be able to recognize her identity.

"Miss Xin, my family background is not as good as yours, but I am not at all uncommon for such luxuries."

Cursing his lips and smiling at her, Lin Zitong lifted his neck high like a swan, displaying the diamond necklace on his neck to his heart's content.

"If Mr. You hadn't forced me to wear this status-defining necklace, I wouldn't have worn it."

Xin Ying didn't pay attention to the necklace Lin Zitong was wearing before, but when she heard her talking about it now, she couldn't help casting her eyes over it, and was instantly startled.

The treasure of Meishang Jewelry, a necklace that money can't buy, was actually worn on Lin Zitong's neck!

She was in a daze for a moment, and then she pretended to smile relaxedly: "Oh, this bracelet is not much cheaper than the necklace. Aze sent you the necklace and gave me the bracelet, which shows that he still cares about me."

Don't take my tolerance for you as your shameless capital.

(End of this chapter)

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