Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 519 I'm in pain here, so painful that I'm crying.

Chapter 519 I'm in pain here, so painful that I'm crying.

Lin Zitong, who drank too much, lost the slightest bit of his usual reserve and calmness, and couldn't hide what was going on in his heart.

"Originally, in my eyes, he was a good man who worked hard, was excellent, and was warm.

When I was with him, I always teased him for his lack of quality. In fact, I admired him very much in my heart, thinking that he was good at everything.

Not only did he thrive in the business world, but he could also put on an apron and cook a table of good dishes in the kitchen after he returned home and put on his suit.

Unexpectedly, one day he suddenly overturned my cognition.For a while, I really couldn't accept it.

I was very sad when he had that incident with Xin Ying, but I just couldn't bear to divorce him.Only now do I realize that I was wrong.

You Haoze is a bastard, a liar in love, he cheated on my feelings.

He said that the matter between him and Xin Ying had been resolved, but Xin Ying came to me tonight and forced me to divorce. "

Lin Zitong's eyes shone brightly, pointing at the position of his heart: "I'm in pain here, so painful that I'm crying."

"I know." Zhong Shaoqing looked at her with a sad look in his eyes, and sighed softly: "When I saw the two of you together, I knew that this bastard was torturing you."

"You don't know! You don't know anything!"

Lin Zitong covered her mouth, tears rolled in her eyes, and she choked up.

"Hehe, I'm a selfish~~born~~girl, and I'm not afraid of your jokes when I say it out. My mother hates my father and instilled in me a thought since I was a child that men are unreliable.

Since I was a child, I have been discriminated against by my classmates. My mother often beat me and scolded me to take it out on me if I didn't go well.

No matter how hard the days are, I secretly grit my teeth and endure it, relying on myself in everything.

Without the love of my father, I can still grow up. At that time, I thought that a woman can live without relying on a man.

Later, when I was in college, I had a boyfriend. "

Hearing this, Zhong Shaoqing's eyes darkened, why didn't he find her earlier?

If they met earlier, maybe she wouldn't want to cry now, right?

"In the end, haha, my boyfriend climbed up a high branch and dumped me. Man, when I chased you, I lied wildly, and when I abandoned you, I never looked back.

That relationship hurt me deeply, and I worked so hard to get out of it.

A failed relationship made me completely discouraged about relationships.Who knows, later I met You Haoze again. "

She put the back of her hand on her forehead, closed her eyes forbearingly, and continued to speak.

"When I first met him, my mother was sick, very sick, and would die at any time. At that time, I was very scared and helpless. I didn't know what to do by myself. He helped me, and my mother lay in bed. There was no nurse on the hospital bed, and we were both taking care of it.

He gives me warmth and hope, he is my reliance. "

Although she told the past in just a few words, it contained her first good impression of him.

Even though she is disappointed in him now, she still thinks of his goodness in the past.

It was a goodwill engraved in his bones, a trace that could not be erased despite the washing of the years.

Zhong Shaoqing panicked when she heard this, how deep is You Haoze's imprint on her heart?

Not wanting to hear her telling the good things about that man in front of him, he couldn't help but interrupt her.

"Zitong, if I was by your side at that time, I would do the same, and I can also rely on you."

It is a pity that there is no if in the world, and the assumption does not hold at all.

(End of this chapter)

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