Chapter 533 It's not over.

Although he is not an actor, he has superb acting skills, and his expressive power is not inferior to the actor Zhong Shaoqing.

That kind of indifference and hostility in his bones is completely different from the kind attitude towards him just now in front of the paparazzi.

'It's not over. ', just four words, in Lin Zitong's ears, he felt extremely heavy.

You Haoze obviously said it to Zhong Shaoqing, but she felt as if he said it to her on purpose.

I don't know how much trouble this matter will cause, although You Haoze temporarily let Zhong Shaoqing go, but according to his temperament, it is impossible for him to let it go so easily.

Sure enough, in the next second, You Haoze stretched out a hand, bent and contracted his five fingers, and made a gesture of grasping.

"We will settle this account slowly."

Zhong Shaoqing glanced at him coldly, stroked the delicate cuff buttons, and snorted coldly.

That way, he didn't take the threat of the other party seriously.

Lin Zitong's whole body froze, his feet were fixed as if they had taken root, and he looked at the two with a frown.

You Haoze turned around and took her hand directly, and walked out, his expression calm as usual.

The head followed him numbly, the only feeling was that the hand holding her was a little cold.

When Lin Zitong came back to his senses, he found that he was already sitting on the Bentley.

Because You Haoze's hand was injured, he couldn't drive for the time being, so he sat in the back seat with her.

When she came out of the hotel, she never let go of the hand that was holding her.

However, he didn't hold her hand very strongly, she broke free slightly, and pulled her wrist from his palm.

You Haoze's expression became gloomy in an instant, he snorted, closed his eyes, and leaned on the car seat.

The two are very close, but their hearts are far apart.

Lin Zitong suddenly wanted to ask him, do you love me?

In fact, he knew very well in his heart that even though this man was furious, he still protected her at critical moments.

Seeing her with Zhong Shaoqing, he only beat Zhong Shaoqing to vent his anger, and he didn't hurt her when he was so angry that he was irrational.

He has her in his heart.

Even if there is no love for her, there is family affection and more responsibility, which is a responsibility of a husband to protect his wife.

However, there were other people in the car, and it felt awkward to ask such a question.

In the end, she didn't ask, but just looked out of the car window with a confused expression.

The silhouettes of landscape trees flashed by, and the stop signs on the roadside retreated in her sight.

She realized later that this was the only way back to the villa!

The man sitting next to him had opened his eyes, was holding the phone with his injured hand, and was editing information with one hand.

Seeing him struggling so much, she wanted to help him, but it seemed that he didn't want her to intervene.

She was very curious about what he was doing, but unfortunately, when she looked at it from her angle, all she could see was the black screen of his phone.

His face was stinky, like a cloudy sky, gray and dark, and he exuded an aura of not wanting to provoke him.

However, she still bite the bullet and said, "Mr. You, can you send me back to the set?"

The male voice who rejected her was cold and cold: "Are you still thinking about filming?"

He raised his eyes and glanced at her. Seeing her pale face, he knew that she was quite frightened.

People are so frightened that they are still holding on!
"I didn't ask for leave."

You Haoze didn't seem to hear her, ignored her, just looked down at the phone.

After a while, Lin Zitong's cell phone rang, swiped open the screen, and saw that it was Su Shanshan's call.

"Sister Shanshan."

"Zi Tong, Director Kong just told me that you were not in good shape for filming yesterday and asked you to rest more. You adjust your state and push back the scenes that are related to you."

"Okay, I know."

(End of this chapter)

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