Chapter 54 Pretend to be smart.

The woman's pretty/face sank, her face turned green, then red, then white.

After being stunned for a moment, the woman glanced at You Haoze, her eyes were more playful, and her tone was a little provocative: "Mr. You is really a noble person who forgets things too much. But I don't know what standard is considered familiar?"

She glanced at Zhong Shaoqing, then at You Haoze, her eyes flicked between the two of them quickly, and she said in an ambiguous tone: "Does it count as talking about marriage? Does kissing and going to bed count?"

You Haoze seemed to be struck by lightning, he was speechless for a while.

Zhong Shaoqing was slightly dazed, then smiled, the kind from the bottom of his heart.

Seeing the undisguised joyful smile on Zhong Shaoqing's face, Xin Ying felt extremely uncomfortable.That intoxicating smile was like thorns and thorns, which made her turn her eyes away.

Knowing that this is the result, why is she still sad?She laughed at herself, the smile revealed a faint bitterness, and there were also some hidden sadness and despair.

The air froze, all eyes were focused on Xin Ying, the atmosphere was suddenly tense, and the sound of a needle falling to the ground could be heard.

Lin Zitong's body trembled slightly, her face froze, and in just a split second, she returned to normal.

You Haoze sat beside Lin Zitong, holding her hand tightly with the hand under the dining table, looking down at her.

He was afraid that she would get angry on the spot and it would be difficult to clean up.However, what is more frightening is that she will not be angry, afraid that she doesn't care at all.

In that case, what kind of blow would it be to him?
Lin Zitong knew in his heart that this woman's intention was to sow discord when she said such blatant words in public.

She wanted to pretend she didn't hear, but she couldn't.

Holding You Haoze's warm palm, Lin Zitong inexplicably raised the corners of his lips, stared at Xin Ying, and spoke loudly.

"If you say this to discredit my cousin, you may be disappointed. I believe what kind of man my cousin is. He has never looked at other women in his eyes. "

Four or two strokes of a thousand catties, and fought back beautifully.

You Haoze heaved a sigh of relief, his brows relaxed, and his originally ugly face eased a lot.

Obviously, he was extremely satisfied with Lin Zitong's words.His wife is so emboldened, and she maintains his image very much in front of outsiders, giving him enough face.

"You..." Xin Ying was stunned, her gaze lingered on Lin Zitong's face, carefully pondering Lin Zitong's words.

The corners of her mouth curled up, and she smiled a little strangely: "Pretending to be smart."

The atmosphere was a bit awkward, but fortunately, the hotel waiter brought the dishes with a wink.

The dishes were served quickly, and Jin Yan, who arranged the dinner, said with a clear and sweet voice, "Mr. You, can you say something?"

The corner of You Haoze's lips twitched, and he casually smiled and said, "You must have been waiting for a long time, are you hungry? Let's eat first."

"Thank you, Mr. You."

This smile, no matter what, reveals a dangerous atmosphere, the more you smile under such circumstances, the more you hide your scheming.

But Lin Zitong felt that what he said was flawless, and he was a good boss who cared about his employees.

In fact, he put on an approachable posture, but exuded an aura of alienation, holding the airs of the president, and an unattainable posture.

However, she felt that there was nothing wrong with his approach.How to deter them without showing aloofness?If they laughed and talked without any scruples, how could they respect and fear him so much?
How can you manage such a large company without courage?
You Haoze waved his chopsticks, and the others did the same.

(End of this chapter)

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