Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 540 Hao Ze, let's get a divorce.

Chapter 540 Hao Ze, let's get a divorce.

After finishing the words, his fingertips had already touched those marks, and he slowly helped her press them.

Looking at the tooth marks he made, his black eyes were full of distress.

"Hao Ze, let's get a divorce."

Without any warning, You Haoze opened his eyes wide, his face full of disbelief.

"What did you say?"

When you are in love, you will go down to the dust.However, one day, I still have to change back to myself.

Lin Zitong hesitated for a moment, then mustered up his courage.

"Get a divorce, Hao Ze."

You Haoze's voice rustled with a hint of fatigue, "Honey, are you kidding me?"

After taking a deep breath and being silent for a while, Lin Zitong said slowly, "No, I'm serious, let's get a divorce."

"Because last night I..."

"No. Since you and Xin Ying had this incident, I haven't had a good night's sleep. We continue to be together, and we will only torture each other. It's really tiring to live like this. "

Overnight, she suddenly got tired of it, and felt that she shouldn't go on like this anymore.

For the first time since the Cold War, Lin Zitong expressed his thoughts clearly.

You Haoze's shoulders trembled slightly, but his voice was very calm: "It is impossible for me to agree to a divorce."

"Just take pity on me."

When You Haoze was about to say something, the phone rang.

He looked at the phone, his expression became indescribably nervous, and he hung up in a panic when he didn't connect.

"Calm down at home and wait for me to come back."

Seeing him turn and leave, and then the sound of closing the door sounded, Lin Zitong felt empty and uncomfortable.

Staying at home will only make wild thoughts, it is better to go to the crew to film.

After tidying up briefly, Lin Zitong dragged her exhausted body, and called the driver to drive her back to the set.

The strange thing is that since she stepped into the set, everyone around her looked at her with secretive eyes.

That feeling is indescribably weird.

God, it's just that the director saw that she was not in good condition, so he specially gave her two days off. Why does everyone see her differently?

She greeted people kindly, but they avoided her like the plague.

She was quite puzzled, and knew that she couldn't be specialized, and now she became a lonely family.

This inexplicable feeling of being isolated is really uncomfortable.

Wait, what doesn't feel right?

Lin Zitong wanted to ask his agent Su Shanshan about the situation, but he couldn't get in touch with Su Shanshan.

On the way to the set, she called Su Shanshan a few times, and the voice reminded that the other party's phone was turned off.

She searched around the set, but couldn't find anyone.

Su Shanshan told her before that she and You Haoze had reached an agreement, and only took her as an artist.

Why can't she contact Su Shanshan now?
What is particularly strange is that it seems that Zhong Shaoqing did not come to the set today.As the hero of this show, he actually has more roles than the heroine.

As far as she knew, he should have a lot of scenes these days.

It's unbelievable that an actor who loves his job and is so dedicated to his job is absent for no reason.

What's even more strange is that even Director Kong treated her indifferently, as if he didn't want to talk to her very much.

Later, it was the scene manager who notified her that she was not scheduled to play today.

Lin Zitong took the script and memorized the lines in the lounge of the studio, and stayed there until evening, before she walked to the hotel where the crew stayed.

"There! Quick! Quick! Quick!"

As soon as she appeared, the paparazzi who had been squatting nearby for several hours rushed towards her like a beehive.

(End of this chapter)

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